I am trying to find out any information about a well that was drilled in East Baton Rouge Parish R2E, T6S, S6. This is the information I have : unit 18,000ft TUSA RB SUA, Edwards ETAL#1 EBR. They removed the rig in mid June and are connecting to a pipeline. I would like to find out the IP, choke, and pressure and the cost of the rig. Thanks in advance to anyone on this site that can help me.

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I show no shuch well in Sec 6 T6S - R2E.

Please check your information and try again.
006 6S 2E
162782 ROSE M LAFLEUR 001
169261 CF RA SUB;J B LAFLEUR 001
177192 18000 TUSC RB SUB;SINCLAIR 001
Would that be #240532 located in Section 1, Township 6 South, Range 1 East 18000 TUSC RB SUA; Edwards ET AL #1?
I probally should have looked at the adjacent sections... feels like a monday today.
Baron- that is the surface location but I now have the serial number which is #240532. They give a surface location of Sec 6 T6S R 2E but they also give a well location of S1 T6S R1E - Why is that? Also can you help me with any info about the well.

This is a directional well. from the plat it appears that it is being driiled from a larger tract to a location below a subdivision. Directional wells would be permited from the bottom hole location as this is all that really matters.

06/07/2010 05 19200 RIH & SET 3 1/2" PROD TBS & PKR @ 18018' ; TST TBG & PKR; INSTALL & TST SCSSV
06/01/2010 05 19200 CLEANED OUT 4-1/2" LINER T/ 19153'; TSTD 4-1/2" LINER TOP & 4-1/2" CSG; LOGGED F/ 17886-18619'; TSTD BOPS 5/31/10; PREP TO RUN PROD TBG;
05/24/2010 05 19200 TST BOPS (5/17/10); DRILL OUT CMT FM 17410-17573' ; CLEAN OUT 7 5/8" LNR TO 4 1/2" LNR TOP @ 18625' ; START CLEANING OUT 4 1/2" LNR FM 18625-18640'
05/17/2010 05 19200 RAN 4-1/2" LINER, TOL @ 18625, BOL @ 19200' & CMT W/ 92 SXS; TSTD LINER - OK; SET 7-5/8" TIEBACK CSG F/ SURFACE TO 17611' W/ 240 SXS; N/U BOPS
05/10/2010 05 19200 DRLD T/ 19200'; LOGGED; TSTD BOPS 5/7/10; RUNNING 4-1/2" LINER;
05/03/2010 05 18898 DRLG
04/26/2010 05 18731 SET 7" LINER, TOL @ 17611' & BOL @ 18725' & CMT W/ 170 SXS; W&R; TSTD BOPS; TSTD CMT - GOOD TST; CHANGED OUT MIDDLE RAMS TO 3-1/2" & TSTD ALL RAMS; DRLD OUT CMT & 5' NEW FORMATION;
04/19/2010 05 18726 TSTD BOPS 4/12/10; TSTD CSG; TST GOOD; DRLD T/ 18726; LOGGED
04/12/2010 05 18138 LOGGED; DRLD T/ 18138; RAN 9-5/8' CSG, TOL @ 15394, BOL @ 18138, & CMT W/ 270 SXS
04/05/2010 05 18061 DRLD T/ 16976'; TSTD BOPS 3/30/10; DRLD T/ 18061;
03/29/2010 05 16887 TSTD CSG; DRLD T/ 16887;
03/22/2010 05 15707 LOGGED, RAN 11-7/8" CSG T/ 15695' & CMT W/ 3220 SXS; TSTD BOPS 3/20/10
03/15/2010 05 15707 W&R; DRLD; LOGGED
03/08/2010 05 14968 DRLD F/ 13328-14968'
03/01/2010 05 13328 DRLD F/ 9537-13045; W&R; DRLD F/ 13045-13328';
02/22/2010 05 9537 DRLD; TSTD 16-3/4" BOP STACK 2/18/10; DRLD;
02/15/2010 05 5557 RAN 16" CSG T/ 4000' & CMT W/ 3800 SXS; INSTALLED BOPS; TSTD CMT-GOOD TST; DRLG; (BOP INFO: HYDRIL 5-1/2" RAM, 5000 PSI & HYDRIL 5-1/2" ANNULAR 5000 PSI); INSTALLED 16-3/4" BOP STACK;
02/08/2010 05 4000 DROVE 30" T/ 197' W/ 161' PENETRATION; SPUD WELL 2/3/10; DRLD T/ 4000' PREP TO RUN 16" SURFACE CSG; DS (0-19200') RECD 6/9/10 EL (3960-19195') 1" & 5" RECD 6/9/10 INFO WH-1 & SCHEMATIC RECD 6/17/10
12/07/2009 01 20300 FR NGS MON. "SULLIVAN" GO S78D 39' 43" W, 6,725.21' TO LOC IN SEC 1. PBHL: S49D 09' E 3,584' FR SURF LOC & FALLING IN SEC 06-T06S-R02E.
You might want to look at Field order 1124-A and 1124-A-7
Thanks for the help! I can always depend on you guys!
The Edwards #1 is the first well in BP's drilling program under the Tigerland 3D survey. The survey covers 120 square miles. The well targeted a location across a small fault in the existing producing fault block. The unit is 640 acres and has a sand definition down to 19000'. With BP selling all of their Tuscaloosa assets, it's perplexing why they haven't tested the well. The logs look very positive. They have permitted the next well to the west.


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