I have inherited some royalties in the S O Pennington survey, Shelby Co. My mother bought them in 1943. I have a division order for the S.E. Lambert Unit #1. I cannot identify the well on the TRRC maps. There are some 23 wells in the Pennington survey and only one dry hole, all the rest are producing gas wells. I assume the TRRC maps are up to date and none of these wells are actually plugged long ago. Does any one recall a SE Lambert Unit #1 in this survey.

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Adubu. Thanks for the recommendation. I will take it under advisement. Using a lawyer in Center might be the best way to go. Especially if I have to go there.

As a matter of interest I am a retired oil geologist but most of my experience was overseas. However i dimly remember checking out the courthouses during my training. I was recently at the Jasper, MS courthouse copying some records and not much has changed. Frankly I do love the satisfaction of the paperchase.
John Starke--even better since you how how to look stuff up I forgot go to www. cc.co.shelby.tx.us and you will be on shelby county free search of records that date back to early 1900s. on front page of web site left side click on "party list" then simply type in names. you can download deeds, OGML, etc print copy free. A great site. You should be able to find your parents old OGML and download them
I can prove ownership. I have the original royalty deed. Copy of the unit agreement. Mothers will in whose name the lease was held, dads will who inherited it from her. I have certified copies of both wills, both death certificates, probate proceedings, letters testamentary, etc. I am also the sole surviving executor of dads estate. So far I have collected small sums from Texas Unclaimed twice and have one pending. Tax rolls in Panola and Upton revealed several other small wells for which we never got royalties, so I have worked my way along over the last few months turning over rocks to find that the relative who handled these minerals while I was overseas with Phillips Pet let some of he changes in addresses, companies, etc, fall through the cracks. Fortunately I am retired and have the time.

If I am not being too nosy what is your background .
By the way I have a division order dated 1957 from Sinclair. Sinclair in Salt Lake says it is not the same Sinclair. There is or was a Sinclair Crude Oil Co and a Sinclair Oil and Gas Co. The division order is from the Crude Oil co.
Where do you reside at present?/

I was of the opinion that after 3 years unclaimed royalties were turned over to Texas Unclaimed. But if there is a 3-4 year moratium what is the point.?
John---have you talk with the operator you sent you the DO for information?
That was Sinclair and that was a dead end. The Crude Oil Co does not seem to exist any more. By the way the www.cc.co.shelby.tx.us doesn't work. Man I went and poured myself a scotch and was all set to do some good work. Shelby County public records is for civil stuff. Births, marriges, divorce, etc. No oil and gas stuff at all.
John --- try -----http://cc.co.shelby.tx.us/ ---- this should work
That's wierd that you can't search shelby county anymore. I found family oil/gas records there awhile back. I couldn't find where I searched on their website though when I just went there. I know back in 2008 you were able to do searches for oil/gas leases.
I hope you can get your royalites all straitened out. You might see if you are owed interest. If it's your bil who let this fall thru the cracks you may not be able to collect interest on your past royalties that never got to you.
It's worth looking in to though!

John, the above link will get you through to the search functions at the Shelby County Clerks Office.

They state that they only have the online records from 1983 onward and for that earlier information you will have to visit them directly.

In actuality, however, I have found records online all the way back in to the very early 1900's for my own family mineral research.

Their search function is one of the best that I've ever dealt with.

Good luck in your own homework.
Grand Energy might not have that now; I do know that the well I knew about by them was sold to KCS who later joined Petrohawk. I now am told that Classic purchased Petrohawk our there in the Joaquin Shelby Area. I do not live there so I only have hearsay. Checks still come from Petrohawk. I would work on this fast. LOL Also, I would check the TX Unclaimed Money Fund.
The Classic purchase of BP and Petrohawk would be fairly recent. Hope this might help.
John you may want to pick up certified copies of all those documents, if you haven't already done so, just in case you have to file something for public record.


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