Just wondering how all those people who voted for Obama in last Presidential election are liking their " Hope and Change" ?

How are all you liking the Hope and Change?

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Amen to that!!!

I second the Amen!!!!!


The big question is can he keep from destroying the country before we can have "change" pun intended?
This is what 30+ years of trickle-down, voodoo economics can do.  BOB is capable, but no one president could bring this on himself.  And the Crash 0f 08 happened on W. watch.  Sorry, I feel your pain, though.  Funny how no one talks about the economy we would have had without QE2.  You can't prove a negative.

you can't justify bad behavior with more bad behavior, sorry.  if it is relevant that the crash of 08 happened on bush's watch, it is relevant that the downgrade happened on obama's.  there have been plenty of discussions revolving around tarp/zirp/qe on the political forum.  and along the lines of your premise, we can't quantify what would have happened if we had let the TBTF banks actually fail... sure their shareholders would have been wiped out, but it would have been over and done with and i'm willing to bet we'd be in a much better position currently.  instead of doing the hard thing that would have allowed the wound to heal properly we have periodically smeared a stinking poultice of mud and leaves over it as prescribed by the keynesian economists and now we're surprised that it has gotten infected.  voodoo trickle down lols.

 I didn`t vote for him,but this is what you get when Dems had both Houses 07,08,and all 3 in 09,10,spend,spend,healthcare,we still don`t know whats in it,O/G people don`t know whats coming next. How can you plan  when you don`t know what Regs. will be or tax laws.2012 must be a year for back to basic and year for change that we understand. God Bless the USA.

He is doing great! Just about to fix the mess we was in.

James he hasn't fixed anything, things are getting worse not better.  If it had not been for the
Tea Party we would have more debt and no talk of cutting. My friends in Washington say he has a honey hole at the white house and is running is liberal agenda thru his czars not congress.

TO James Smith>

So you think Socialism works? lol....what are you smoking?  You have got to be joking!  Obama is trying to destroy our nation as we once knew it. That is his main objective.  He is a socialist pawn financed mainly by George Soros!  Come next November American will be taken back! 

TO inthestix


The debt overhang from the Bush tax cuts and the unfunded "resource wars" in the Middle East, coupled with the bad decisions of the last 30 years, made it necessary for the U.S. Treasury to backstop just about everything in sight.  That was/is not Obama's fault.  But, it is our responsibility not to allow the same mistakes going forward.

I guess he is personally responsible for the poor conditions in the European Union and the U.S. post W. (Crash of 2008).  If so, he is the most powerful man the world has ever seen.  Oh yea, he's one-half black, I get it.

This isn't about black and white. Get off the race card that is not at all what this is about!  That is excuse to hide behide!  Herman Cain is all black but he isn't a socialist!  He is a God loving AMERICAN!

Research George Soros you will be enlightened.  He brought down the Bank of England by himself! 


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