I’ve had a well in Bienville Parish leased to Cabot for several years and they were always a good company to deal with as I received a check every month (up until a few months ago) – However, today I received a two page letter from KJE Oil and Gas (or kjenergy as their website says) and the first page is dated May 25, 2016. It explains that they have acquired ownership interests in various Cabot wells in East Texas and North Louisiana (by their website it looks like 329 wells total) – the second page is an apology saying that they recently received information that some of their royalty owners didn’t get the original announcement. The fact that I haven’t received a single check from them (it is possible that Cabot required less money due in order to cut a check, so I may not have reached the amount KJE requires – or at least I can hope that is the case and I do have a call in to them to find out why I haven’t gotten a check) and their not being able to send out 329 letters properly certainly doesn’t inspire any confidence from me in this company. From the leadership team page on their website, it looks like virtually everyone is from a company called Multi-Chem that was bought out by Halliburton five years ago. So my question is has anyone ever heard of KJE or dealt with them before? Thanks for any knowledge that anyone can shed!

Edited to add that the well is still producing at the same levels that it has been for the past year or so, so that would not be a reason that I haven't received a check.

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