La. Hall of Fame Well Production Summaries (thru 05/2010)

Below is a screenshot of production summaries for the top 26 La. wells from the Shale Well Hall of Fame list that Les B. has been maintaining (La. has a lot of nice wells!).

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Here's an expanded table of La. well production through 04/2010 that includes Ninock 34. Just to underline your point - take a look at Rex Young 20 #H1 and Black Stone 6 #3 which both had IP's in the 22's MMcf/d. Unless Sonris is incorrect and their reports are for more than 1 well, each has been doing as well or better than Ninock 34. (Blackstone started production on the 18th of its first month and Rex Young on the 9th.)
Texas is only beginning to produce much of a list of wells that have IP's in the 20s and 30s of MMcf/d. It will indeed be interesting to see how they hold up.
Jack Blake likes.
I am posting newer screen shots that include production through 5/1/2010. Still need to include more wells. I am adding screen shots of the wells sorted by total production reported and sorted by daily production average. All of my averages have been adjusted to take into account the partial lengths of production reported for 1st months.

Sorted by IP

Sorted by total production

Sorted by daily production average
Correct that - these are production for "unit". Is "section" the correct La. term? Not well production #'s although fortunately most of these only have single wells so far so we do in effect actually have reports for the most part about single wells.
And maybe the monthly averages should simply be discarded because any method of averaging based on a partial month is going to be inaccurate.
HA units in LA. are geographic and based on governmental sections of ~640 acres. The majority of HA units are a single section but there are some larger units. Examples include units along the Texas state line where only a partial section exists in LA. and sections inundated by Toledo Bend in combination with the adjoining easterly sections with are not. There are applications on the public hearing schedule for units larger than a section that do no fall into these categories. Where lessors are in agreement, I think the Commissioner is likely to approve those applications.
Thanks Skip,

I was wondering whether La folks referred informally to HA units as "sections" because they usually (but not always) correspond.
Here is a version that calculates some decline rates. Since I do not have individual day rates I have calculated monthly average daily rates and compared the first 2 month's daily average (I chose the 1st 2 months because there are a fair number of goofy 1st months in Sonris) with the 12th month (some available now) and with the most recent month's daily average.

** When you look at these graphic screen shots, if your first look does not seem that legible, try zooming in or out (some levels of rendering can looked blurred but that does not always mean it will not be clearer at a different level of magnification)
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Sorted by 12th month decline



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