Lest We Forget! Dem's Desire "Socialized" Energy Sector

Hmmm... wonder if royalty owners mineral rights would be absorbed via "Emminent Domain"?

Wonder if Maxine Waters will renew her desires once gasonline prices start rising?



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Hi Martin:

Nixon introduced wage and price controls in 1971, that was a big flop, an awful (liberal) idea. He got things going with China, which I believe turned out to have worked pretty much to our benefit, hell, China might bring the world out of this mess - they've got a better shot at it then Obama-lama-ding-dong. Of course, Nixon really screwed the pooch with the Watergate cover-up. I got to split his grade. Foreign policy A, domestic D.

Reagan (Regan was the guy that Nancy got fired) was pretty much perfect. The disaster in Beruit was on his watch, as was Iran-Contra, but then, I thought Ollie got that about right, but his economic policies lead to years of economic expansion. Most of all, Reagan's strong stand against the Soviets caused the end of the Cold War. Remember Jimmy Carter, Martin, the double-digit stagflation thing, Iran hostage crisis, Reagan got us out of Carter's economic mess. I give him an A+ (Carter is an F-)

GW Bush. The man kept us safe after 9/11- even in the privacy of their closets, liberals will admit to their sock drawer that there have been no terrorist attacks on the homeland since 911. He was not generally a Conservative. Never tried to seriously rein-in the AWFUL spending habits of congress, which was R for all but his last two years. Also, W is the reason we got the Bamster...never understood how important it was to effectively fight back against his critics, his popularity suffered. I like the guy, but he sure had his flaws, but he is a good man, I give him a B-, history will judge. There is the possibility that his Middle East policy (Iraq) will prove, years from now, to have been brilliant. It’s just too hot a topic to debate rationally, now, or for the foreseeable future.

I'm with D Al, you libs cannot admit Jack Sh*t about your guys failings and awful policies. That seems to frustrate Al. I understand liberals; in matters such as these they are not capable of intellectual honesty.

They sure do like to throw names around, like Nazi, redneck, cretin…ya-di-da-di da

Just MHO.

Jay, I can't say much for the peanut farmer other than this; I worked for the railroad thru the Carter administration and the RR was rocken and roling, you couldn't take a day off work. The RR is a good indicator of how the econony is doing. The USA owed 900 billion and it was being reduced. Reagan came in and we started going in the hole 300 billion a year. I was in the process of buying a house during the transition and the interest rate went from 8 and 1/8 to over 12% before I could close the deal. The oil biz went to crap. Each president has strong and weak points and Carter had his but to label him the worst is going a little too far. I made a lot of money during the Carter years and it all turned to S**t with Reagan for me.
I agree that Reagan's energy policy (Saudi's were encouraged to pump hard) was tough the domestic O&G bidness. We had a tough time in the 80's. Taken as a whole Reagan was wonderful in my opinion. We didn't miss any meals.

The inflation thing was all Carter though. They called it stagflation. High inflation and flatline economic growth. Pure D Carter. I'm glad the RR's did well for you.
We had a chance to get out of debt and it was blown by RR. Now we face hurdles that can never be met in my lifetime or my kids lifetime. When the inflation hits for the current dunb ass moves, who is to say where it will go. We need to unite as a country and say "Hell No" to what is going on. I am not supportive of most in the congress or senate because they don't have our best interests at heart.
I bought a car at 22% interest when Carter was president. He was the worst hands down.
worst since the first Johnson, worst in the 20th century
You got screwed by the finance company not carter just like I did.
No, I'm sure it was Carter, he had big buck teeth and smelled like a peanut.
What is going to be the worst thing about bas inflation for the natural gas sector
Jim, I don't care what labels they put on me. I'm not particularly fond of the Nazi/facist label because my daddy fought them and David Duke was one and he is a real a**hole. (Yes, I voted for Edwards...please don't tell anybody)

On the other hand, I think its hilarious when my arguments are dismissed by a liberal with a snarky condescening reference to my intellect. When that happens it just confirms that they can't handle logic or truth.

That said, I think you do a damn fine job of defending your positions. I'm pretty sure that if we went fishing and agreed not to discuss politics we'd have a good time, fish or no fish.


Thanks Buck for the info. It's almost time for a tea party here in Shreveport.


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