NOT! Happy Father's Day to all you guys out there. From the professionals to the Everyday Joes, we appreciate ALL that you bring to this site ... expert advice, political views, humor, off topic tips.

And know that somewhere in your life there is a child who admires you and wishes to become like you. No matter if you're a dad, uncle, cousin, neighbor ... there are some little eyes watching you taking it all in and thinking, "I want to be like that when I grow up."

Have a wonderful day & know that we're thankful you're here with us so we'll be less "Clueless on Shale" (and other things, like fishing).

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Allan Sherman 1963, Rock version recorded 2009 by Public Parking for the movie "Fired Up".
I think, given the access to technology these days, a five yr. old could have gotten that one. LOL

Now to see how II get Keith to give away my points.
Wikipedia, LOL. And don't go to any trouble... they can be "Fantasy Points"!
I think I've got it, I'll have to hit your profile page about a "zillion" times, have to check to see if I have to leave comments or if just hitting it will add points.

Man, this is going to wear out my manicure! NOT! Like gardening doesn't already do that. :0)
What happened to the fathers day post, you women could still heap a little more praise on us boys. You wouldn't have had the pleasure of bearing children without us.
DC - Mrs. C changed the post, we're looking for 'Fadders" and FaMos" now I think. And I couldn't agree with you more ... women bear children all over the place until they're grown and out of the house. LOL (Uh oh, I think I just opened that door again!)

Go ahead, give it to me, hit me up with every counterpoint you've got.

:0) (PS, be forewarned that I'm saving the "Did you ever have to pass a watermelon." line.)
Good afternoon sesport, long time no talk. ok, here is my best shot, no pun intended. I've had diarrhea cramps that would bring a full grown horse to it's knees, much less a woman. After you have had one of my bouts, passing a watermelon would seem like fun.



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