Chesapeake is applying to form a unit in S27-T12-R11. Hearing was held on January 27, 2009. Just received notice today that Petrohawk is applying to form a unit in S26-T12-R11. Hearing is set for February 23, 2009 IF someone requests a hearing. We leased the 38 acres we have in Section 26 to Petrohawk back in May of last year. We also have 44 acres in Section 27. We are currently in negotiations with Chesapeake, hoping to come to an agreement this week. According to the landman who made the offer on behalf of Chesapeake, they are wanting to get a well drilled really soon. =)

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So everything seems to be held up in Sabine?
Who is "they" who are trying to force pool two sections into one unit?
MB, please see the attached. The large units are required because most of the acreage is under Toledo Bend Reservoir.
Thankyou, Les B and KB for the info it is much appreciated it is good to know there is still activity still going on close to my realatives land.
KB, thanks for the info. I enjoy the feistiness, levelheadedness, and sometimes hard-headedness (got to ask the hard questions, no?) you bring to the board. Best, MB
Most of them are larger than 2 sections if I remember correctly. It needs to be shot down. Isn't Petrohawk requesting a unit larger than a section where they're drilling @ Hamels Park right here in the city?
FYI for those interested in information about this larger than 640 ac. unit business (and may not know how to get info any other way): Go to the DNR home page, click on Site Map, then Hearings, then scroll down to the last two entries (as of 3/5/09) for the Converse Field, and then look at the maps for each. (and for those who may not know, this is in northern Sabine Parish, La.)

These maps show that Elora has applied for 6 units of 640 ac. each and Eagle has applied for 16 units, the largest being 1,886 ac. The Eagle units do extend into Toledo Bend Lake out to the Sabine River channel. By the way, (for those fishermen/women who may not know) the MIDDLE of the river channel is the official boundary between La. and Texas, AND, a La. Game Warden once told me that a fishing license is only good up to the center of the Sabine River channel! I guess that is correct info - don't really know but I ain't gonna test it out.
The state line is where the center line of the old river channel used to be, so you are correct.
Lanadan, I have posted the Eagle application & map on the previous page.
Either license is good until you reach the point where the river goes into Texas and there is no Louisiana bank. At least that's the way it is enforced now. It's that time of the year, the sand bass should be really biting with this warm weather.
In other words, they got tired of argueing with fisherman over what state they are in.
That's right it was unenforcable. But there is a big sign on the bank right where the river turns north into Texas, don't be caught past that point without a Texas fishing license!



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