Just found this permit application for Lacour 43.


 PUBLIC NOTICE - - - In accordance with the laws of the State of Louisiana and the particular reference to the provisions of LA R. S. 30:4, and the provisions of Statewide Order No. 29-B as amended and adopted by the Office of Conservation of the State of Louisiana Anadarko E&P Company LP P. O. Box 1330 Houston, Texas 77251 832-636-3315 is applying to the Injection and Mining Division of the Office of Conservation for a permit to dispose of producing fluids generated from oil and gas production by means of an injection well, which is identified as Lacour 43 SWD Well No. 1, Serial Number (NA), with the injection interval at an approximate depth of 3365 ft. to 4395 ft. The well location is Section 43, Township 3S, Range 8E, Lacour Field, Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana. All interested parties are hereby given an opportunity to submit written comments no later than fifteen (15) days from the date of this publication. Identify the well when corresponding. Direct comments to: Office of Conservation Injection & Mining Division P. O. Box 94275 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9275 Re: Comments for SWD Application 4513457-aug 9-1t - PUBLIC NOTICES/CONSERVATION


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See that is the way I thought I remembered it and I've said the same about OPEC.

I thought I was the only conspiracy theorist on here. LOL........


Thanks TD!!!!!!!



The stock had seriously broken by 7/31/1997 and hit "bottom" by 2/28/1999 at $0.75.  The chalk, unlike the memory, produces the best results when fractured.



Now, who's the conspiracy theorist?

Like I said AM and CHK got burned on the Chalk and are not coming back. At least to this point they have not shown any interest and I doubt that they will. So one major player is out of the mix.


You owe Anadarko an apology after the Lacour 42 IP:

3000 BOPD; 2500 MCFD; 3800 FTP; 4900 SITP; 600 CP; 20/64 CK; 600 BWPD


Jay and Kirk,

I think they are learning. The first wells were not that good. Until they learn how to control the mud loss there will be problems.

Hey guys, This has been a very good history lesson. Thanks for the posting and information.

Does anyone know for sure that any wells have hit  dry holes in Avoyelles? Bayou Jack? The reason is that i am handling potentail minerial rights sell for a disabled friend for some acres. The person/broker Chuck Langalois says that there was a dry hole in the area. I know what hes doing trying to do,get it cheap from us dumpcoonasses.There no dry holes just bad operators? My friend has 93 acres in w/2 of ne/4 sec 38 T1S-r4e. We would like to inquire about 60 acres. One offer was $1500, chucks is$ 850 p/a. Is this too low. My friend says it is. Any suggestions, Thanks

There are no dry holes!!!!!! The geologist from Anadarko made the statement in the pre-app conf. earlier this year that the Austin Chalk is every where they just need to find Chalk with fractures. Someone else will have to talk about value. I would think it would be considerably higher than $1500 per acre though.  

I think $1500 per acre is very good. You must be near some producing wells.

Just depends on the assumptions made?  May only be 25% of AC value, and does not include other formations.  But you would need much more info to make an informed decision, IMHO.


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