Just found this permit application for Lacour 43.


 PUBLIC NOTICE - - - In accordance with the laws of the State of Louisiana and the particular reference to the provisions of LA R. S. 30:4, and the provisions of Statewide Order No. 29-B as amended and adopted by the Office of Conservation of the State of Louisiana Anadarko E&P Company LP P. O. Box 1330 Houston, Texas 77251 832-636-3315 is applying to the Injection and Mining Division of the Office of Conservation for a permit to dispose of producing fluids generated from oil and gas production by means of an injection well, which is identified as Lacour 43 SWD Well No. 1, Serial Number (NA), with the injection interval at an approximate depth of 3365 ft. to 4395 ft. The well location is Section 43, Township 3S, Range 8E, Lacour Field, Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana. All interested parties are hereby given an opportunity to submit written comments no later than fifteen (15) days from the date of this publication. Identify the well when corresponding. Direct comments to: Office of Conservation Injection & Mining Division P. O. Box 94275 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9275 Re: Comments for SWD Application 4513457-aug 9-1t - PUBLIC NOTICES/CONSERVATION


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Thanks bulldog. I am very interested in following this well. Hope you can keep me informed.

Word I got from locals is that this well hit. Also if a well does not pay off in 12 months they are leaving the area.

Time will tell.

John do you live close enough to see if the rig has moved to 42?

No I don't. I do spend time out there. The word I heard was it was moving somewhere else.


I don't doubt the rumor about them leaving the area. When they started pulling the landmen out a month ago I was afraid that they were not happy with the IP. I've tried to get the point across that long laterals are a problem in Austin Chalk. I don't understand why there are people on this site that defend them and their drilling techniques. I can't understand why DNR  would even issue permits for long laterals in the AC.Their engineers and geologists should know and understand the consequences of loosing mud while drilling in the Austin Chalk. They should be protecting the formation and the States interest in development and not allowing a company to destroy it. You just can't use sand and shale drilling techniques in Chalk. It does not matter if you can drill halfway around the world with a lateral if you are going to damage the formation in the process it does no one any good. Now it looks like they have screwed things up and are now condemning the play because of their mistakes. 

Oil Executive: Military-Style 'Psy Ops' Experience Applied



"At another session, Matt Carmichael, the manager of external affairs for Anadarko Petroleum [APC  77.81    -6.14  (-7.31%)    ], spoke on the topic of “Understanding How Unconventional Oil & Gas Operators are Developing a Comprehensive Media Relations Strategy to Engage Stakeholders and Educate the Public.”"


Maybe the word on the street is just an attempt to re-educate the public?  LOL

littleasy unfortunately for me I don't need psy-ops to not get it so could you please interprate this SONRIS report

RAN 3 1/2" LNR TO 21920', TOL @

@ 14897'; TSTD PKR & CSG; RAN 2
7/8" TBG TO 14897' W/ 6 3/4" PKR

SET @ 14897'; NU TREE; WOCR; RR 11/7/11



They ran a 3 1/2" light wt. casing (liner) from the end of the long string (14955') to Total Depth (20920' ). Then they ran a permerant packer and set it at 14907' to tie the liner back to the long string. They attached 2 7/8" production tubing to a 6 3/4" packer and set it at 14897' (the 6 3/4" packer is set in the 7" long string that was run before they drilled into AC). NU (Nipple Up) Production Tree and now they are waiting on a completion rig. I would have no idea why they need a completion rig at this point. According to this report they have completed the well other than perforating, acidizing and testing.

Those statements by the Anadarko Rep. just show the arrogance and ignorance of the management of the company. That's what I've said all along - They are a bunch of "Hotdog" Texas Cowboys that are doing more damage than good to the Austin Chalk in this area.

Thanks for posting it.

In the early 90's (1993?), UPRC drilled the first AC horizontal well on the LaCour property. The well showed good IP but the decline was steep.  Subsequently, Anadarko acquired UPRC in early 2000's.  Now, 10 years later, Anadarko is re-drilling the LaCour property and taking leases across central Louisiana.  What did I miss or is this a replay of Ground Hog Day?  The only news would be if this well showed less IP than the UPRC LaCour well.

Lets us hope they have new technology to apply to be successful. If not the shareholders should be upset on the money spent on mineral leases and drilling. I for one am glad to see them making a play for pay.


Some disagreement again.  I am not thrilled with the well results and do have my own questions, but at least Anadarko is spending money and drilling wells where others aren't.   So I take the good with the bad, which is better than  nothing.  Hopefully the knowledge gained will help us all down the road.  Also, if it is so obvious they are screwing up with the long laterals, wouldn't that simply make it a great opportunity for someone else to bat clean-up when they pull up stakes?

Continuing with the baseball analogy, seems to me what the AC needs is someone content to drill good wells (doubles or triples) and slowly make money (long term), and not someone coming in looking for the longball, which is sort of how I see the long lateral game.


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