Nacogdoches Texas is in the House! EOG/Crane et al 1-H tests at 31.175 mmcfd 26/64 choke 9543 psia

Tags: EOG, Haynesville, Nacogdoches, Texas

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just gonna let yall know, i started receiving checks several months before i got the division orders on my last well. apparently they are not necessary to get on the revenue run.
EOG Murray Gas Unit 1H

EOG Murray Gas Unit 2H


8/29/2010 EOG Crane et al 1-H
nice pictures
Does anyone have any information on Atkinson 1H or Sutton 1H? Seems like these two should be next in line for completion.
I would expect to hear about Atkinson but Sutton still had a rig on it last Friday. From the pictures ROG posted (above) it looks like they might be frac'ing the Murray 2H.



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