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Thanks for posting this. I caught the last 10 seconds of the interview and now we have it all. Thanks.
What we all knew but nobody was really talking about......cramer has good cable number's so he is a real asset!
Cramer's one of those guys who isn't good at convincing someone who doesn't already believe in him. This seems to be particularly true when politics are involved. He's too easy to dismiss as a madman.

Let's not forget that there are really good reasons to keep using coal. The coal reserves in the US alone far outweigh all the world's oil reserves.
As long as he bring's company head's on and talk's about ng he will be an asset!

THere is one good reason to keep using coal in the future, and that is to keep costs down - it is in abundance in the U.S., and will keep the economy in check. However, if we are all going to buy in to the "green economy" required by Obama's administration, and we want to do so in as economically feasible as possible, then Nat Gas is the answer - not coal gasification. These projects are multi-billion $$ projects that take years to implement. Plain and simple, Obama's votes come primarily from the coal states, so he's going to shove that down our throats if the NG industry doesn't call his hand on it right away! Hopefully, we are not too late to see the change in political support for NG - otherwise, we'll be looking at low gas prices for a while, I'm afraid.
Wonderful post....I'm so glad I got to see that video. It's great to hear some good news from both individuals. I was really surprised to hear that xto energy has 40% hedged at $9 for next year, and that they believe we'll see $7-$8 in the next 12 months. I hope they're correct.
What do they spend $80 million on???? That is a lot of lunches and drinks, how much lobbying money is going to these congressmen?



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