EnCana has filed for six new Haynesville units for the Alpha Field in Red River Parish. The hearing will be held on August 25th in Baton Rouge.

S27-T12N-R8W, HA RA SUA Unit, Encana, Alpha Field, Red River Parish
S28-T12N-R8W, HA RA SUB Unit, Encana, Alpha Field, Red River Parish
S29-T12N-R8W, HA RA SUC Unit, Encana, Alpha Field, Red River Parish
S32-T12N-R8W, HA RA SUD Unit, Encana, Alpha Field, Red River Parish
S33-T12N-R8W, HA RA SUE Unit, Encana, Alpha Field, Red River Parish
S34-T12N-R8W, HA RA SUF Unit, Encana, Alpha Field, Red River Parish

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Replies to This Discussion

I'd like to think that great minds think a like but you are far above my pay grade Les. Check out my discussion topic on the Main Page. Both of these are potentially significant unit apps for this area of the Play.
Hi Les,
I don't know how these are laid out. Can you tell me how close is 34-12-9? We have 20 ac unleased in this section.
Jeff, you would be ~ 4-6 miles due west of these new units. You are also ~ 4-5 miles southwest of the Liberty Field units.
Les. I get letters from Liskow and Lewis informing me of new units. My sister, brother and I individually own land in Sec. 23, 24 and 25 but the included map (just like the one in your attachment) never identifies our collective 75 acres correctly. Just a hand drawn rectangle that the family name Shaughnessy written in it. The land is deeded in our individual names so I would think it would show on any current map from the RR courthouse. Do you have any idea about this? Should I try to get it corrected?

Another question: Milner well #239978 has been permitted. I'm excited because I have land in Sec. 23 as well. Do you know anything about this well other than it is permitted? I saw it on Sonris. Would I receive a royalty from it because it is in my section and unit? Encana leases my mineral rights.
JS, see the attached for a more detailed map of Section 23. You may want to contact EnCana and see if they have a similar map for Sections 24 & 25. Review the maps and let them know if you see any inaccuracies in the information.

The attached map shows how the Milner well is surfaced in Section 24 but the lateral will be drilled and completed in Section 23. All the mineral owners shown in Section 23 will share in the production from the well regardless of the specific location of the well in the section.
Les, should I call the new Encana field office in Coushatta or should I contact the big office in Dallas?
JS, I would contact the Dallas office.
Les, do you have any idea what happened to the Alpha Field Unit ? Haven't found anything on them at all, just wondering? BJ
BJ, the Alpha Field Units were approved on Sept 24th (Order 1158-C). No well permits as of yet.
Thanks Les B...I'm still waiting on more news for our sec 25 12N 9W.BJ


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