New Haynesville Wells Produce More Gas than New M-U Wells

There’s no getting around the fact that the Marcellus/Utica region, collectively called Appalachia, is THE 800-pound gorilla when it comes to natural gas production. We produce more natgas than any other region of the country–more than twice as much as the next highest producer, the oily Permian Basin. Yet the Haynesville Shale, a gas-focused play located in Louisiana, also produces a lot of natgas (about 36% of what the M-U produces). According to recent research by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), new wells in the Haynesville are more productive (producing more gas on average) than new wells drilled in the M-U. Huh.

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Strange how some in the energy media continue to have the false impression that there is Haynesville Shale production in SW AR.

Efficiencies boost US natural gas production: EIA

Natural gas production in the United States is growing because of greater production efficiencies, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reports.

New gas wells that created greater productivity in new wells drilled in shale and other tight formations boosted U.S. natural gas production in 2019, it said.

The average new well in the Haynesville, Permian, Eagle Ford, Niobrara, and Bakken regions in 2019 produced more natural gas than wells drilled in previous years in those same regions, it said.

That trend has persisted for 13 consecutive years in all regions except the Haynesville, which had a brief productivity decline between 2013 and 2015, it said.

The best initial gas production results come from new wells in the Haynesville Shale in northern Louisiana, southwest Arkansas, and East Texas and the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

Since 2007, gross natural gas production in the Haynesville and the Appalachian Basin has grown at an average annual rate of 20%, the EIA said.

From 2007 to 2019, the first month of gas production from new wells totaled 12 million cubic feet per day in the Haynesville and nearly 10 million cubic feet per day in the Marcellus and Utica shales, it said.

Associated natural gas tied to oil drilling remains significant in the Permian Basin, the Eagle Ford, the Bakken, Niobrara, and Anadarko oil regions, it said. That associated gas accounts for 46% of all gas production in the seven main basins analyzed by the EIA.

Overall, associated gas production accounted for 37% of all U.S. natural gas gross withdrawals in 2018.

Changes made that have boosted natural gas production include horizontal drilling, hydraulic fracturing or fracking, drilling longer laterals, and using more sand or proppant in fracking wells, it said.

A number of energy media companies are publishing articles off the latest EIA data.  Kallanish, like many, aggregates information from various sources and doesn't always do any targeted research of their own for an article like the above.  I sent the company an email to inform them that there is no producing Haynesville Shale within 25 miles of AR at this time.



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