Forgive me if I am repeating myself I don't seem to get in theright areas to add a  discusstion. However I think I finally found it I have been out of the loop for a whil with prolonged illness. I am trying to fing out about a new well that should havebee spudde in around March 23. I Think the well was to be surface on sec 21 then diagional North under my section 16. I received a copy of on application to force pool with designtion H A R A SWU113. Just wondering if anyone had any eyes on information. I have been out of the loop with prlogned illness. I would appreciate any feed back. Thanks, Dan

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Dan, it would be a big help in getting some replies to know the Section-Township-Range.  There are literally hundreds of Section 16s and 21s in all the townships covered by the Haynesville development activity.  The S-T-R  is listed on your lease, if you have one.  If you don't have that information we need to know the field, the operator or a description of where the well would be located by roads or populated places.  When you don't have a lot of location information, it's best to post in the parish group as those members will be most familiar with local landmarks.
Skip, Dan lives just outside Noble, La. T-8, Range 13-W.....SABINE PARISH (probably Comstock}
Thanks, ken.  Yes, the Comstock Sustainable Forest 16H reported drilling @13,000' on March 21.  The surface location is in 21 but the well will be perforated and pay mineral interests in Section 16.  Section 16 is a Comstock HA Drilling Unit but for some reason the SONRIS Lite Well File does not show the unit designation.  The well should be nearing or at Total Depth soon.  My rig report showed the rig still drilling for the 40th. day last Friday.



You get the good neighbor award today.  It's nice to have folks around you that know you.

Thanks Skip, I thought I did post in the parish group but Inguess I didn't go through. Skip do you live in that area as well? Seems like I should know you. Dan

Again, I can't find whereI answered giving the Sec. 16 Range 13W Township 8 North. The well is listed as H A R A SU113

I live  in Shreveport, Dan.  Here's a link to the Sabine Parish group:

Dan, here is the well that is currently being drilled into Section 16 from Section 21 and the Haynesville Unit name.


H&P #398 Rig, Comstock, Sustainable Forest 16 Hz #1 Well, SN 242623, S21(16)-T8N-R13W

S16-T8N-R13W, HA RA SU113 Unit, Comstock, Converse Field, Sabine Parish

Thanks to all of you for youe help, Dan



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