We have had quite a few new members join lately, i'm interested in what brought you here and what major questions or issues are on your mind. Chime in!

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    I've been around since 2008.  Cruising around here on occasion is a great way to keep a finger on the pulse of this gas world.   And a lot of nice people are helpful when a question is asked.

    We have inherited mineral interests, some producing, some not, in Shelby County Texas.    As a large family group we have been very successful in marketing our minerals for the last few years to a lot of good companies and one very bad one.  Oh well, live, learn, then beat 'em in court.

it's a roller coaster is it?!

Hi, I'm Gay Blosser and grew up in Carthage.  Am interested in J. W. Sikes Survey in Panola County.  Also interested in the Pinehill area in Rusk County.


 I live in Houston and own mineral rights in Harrison County and the producers are in the Pilot wells in Woodlawn. I drove up a few years ago and saw a really big area cleared of everything out by Caddo Lake not far from the Taylor place by the railroad tracks. Was that a NFR energy site. I joined this to just see if anything is hopeful of new wells or more production. Sabine has taken over my NFR but they probably just changed names as they stayed in the same place in Houston. My late father was a Marshall Attorney until we moved to Houston in 1954. He said " Daughter, never sell your leases " and I never will. I like to have hope. I like the reports. Like the law partner widow used to say, don't worry they will find you if they want a lease.

I acquired property w/mineral rights in 2012 in Desoto Parish but just stumbled on this site in a search for an answer about non leased owners which I am.
I'd love to find an explanation on how to read the statement Encana sends me every month - I've tried to match numbers on it w/numbers on the check statement but so far no success. I have no idea what I'm looking at in that statement.

Heather, I'd recommend starting another discussion with all the pertinent details. Welcome to GHS and glad you found us!

Heather, you might consider starting a new discussion for this question in either the main forum or the unleased minerals owners group.

My cousin and I inherited 40 acres of land near Shreveport.  The land, referred to as "the farm" over time, has been in our family for approximate 100 years.  As far as I know, it's untapped.

My cousin and I are new to this.  I can tell from reading these blogs that we have a lot to learn, so I'll definitely keep tuned in and try to get smart.

So far, we've been approached only by HEP for leasing.  We also received a notice from Andarko about pooling assets in the area.

Anyway, I'm retired and live in Sacramento with my husband Cliff.  We enjoy the usual retirement things.

I appreciate the opportunity to jump in with my introduction, and I look forward to learning from my fellow shalers.

Sali Evans

our family has a bit of Caddo, Desoto and Tx. minerals which we took over from our old Dad.

We had the usual questions, like how to figure p.p. costs, which are of course are so deeply buried in o & g company accounting records it's impossible. based upon what we read, we just won't agree to pay pp costs and work the lease around it somehow, even take a fraction off royalty rather than to agree to this black hole of fathomless billing.

we wondered about bonus, royalty, sweet spots, how long owners can get strung out before getting paid, La. Mineral Law, using Sonris, all questions which are well discussed on the site.

Currently we are trying to crack the code on finding Tx. production figures, much harder than Sonris where we are spoiled, IF one can believe the figures which presumably are provided by operators to the state of La. .

But how hard does the state work to confirm the accuracy of these figures? or do they just do like my dear old dad used to do when he got a check and say, "Oh, that's a nice check", deposit it in the bank and not have a clue what the detail meant until we got into the game and with help from members figured out where he was losing money and plugged some of the holes by checking Sonris, lease language, etc.

thanks, Curiosity killed the cat......information brought it back.




Great post Steve, way to get your hands dirty

I don't want to take the thread off topic so just a short reply on finding Tx. production:

Bookmark this RRC query page. It has a link to every search function currently available to the public. The site has been in transition for a number of years from old storage formats (film, fiche, magnetic tape) to digital. It is not yet complete but they have made enormous progress in the last couple of years.

Use Production Reports Query (1st option). You need to know your well(s) Lease ID and the RRC district it is located in. If you are researching historical production prior to 1993... you have to go to the district office, most likely.

hey Jfffree, thanks for the tips.

when u get time, I can't figure out whether everyone in a Tx. land grant or survey shares in production according to acreage like in a La. section where owners can check their land's section on Sonris as well as checking surrounding sections to see if a horizontal well has its pad "off section" but crosses a section line into your section in which case of course you should be paid.

e.g. we have a lease in the JW Figureina Survey 300, about 900 acres and our lease is on a 140 acre parcel, unfortunately not in a great area. we don't receive any royalty, but on this 900 acres from google earth one can see well flares and tanks suggesting active wells. I did find 3 wells using the RRC site mentioned on this survey, but apparently no production. I have no way of knowing the well i.d. since we get no royalty, but wonder if we should.

so put it on the back burner, but if you can see your way to eradicating my ignorance I would be obliged.




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