While different members post and debate bonus pricing and differ on the effects of the market conditions. One area that all members can agree (it has seemed) is the need for natural gas as the fuel of the future or at least a bridge fuel. I have listened to T.Boone, Aubrey, even members of the Democratic party on this and it seems like inserting NG into more areas of America's daily life is a no brainer.

So my question for discussion is, if this is a no brainer (which I agree), what is the argument against it? And why is the movement being overshadowed? I know its the election's focus on other issues: economy and national defense. But NG's future can be beneficial to both of those issues. I just hope that once we get past next Tuesday, there will be more focus and discussion on this issue.

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Natural Gas sounds like what's needed to bridge the gap to true alternatives! We need it now and we have it now!
But sadly, depending upon who wins the presidential election next week, common sense may not prevail.
NG's main exhaust is considered to be a horrible, just horrible, green house gas problem by some! (funny though plant life thrives on it, huh?)
And one candidate has vowed to cut green house gases by 80%. I suspect that would pretty much leave NG out of the picture.

Personally I just hope no one gets elected who will ban firewood!
Well, I thought there may be hope on either side of Congress. Doesn't Pelosi have a stake in T. Boone's plan? She has repeatedly supported NG recently. She has been a bit off on some of her stats and quotes, but she seems to be in favor of it. (Except for the drilling portion which a few experts believe may be necessary to obtain it - sarcasm)
PG, actually natural gas emits the lowest amount of greenhouse gas (CO2) of any fossil fuel. Only renewables and nuclear have a lower carbon footprint.
NG would seem like the logical fuel!
It's much cleaner than other fossil fuels for sure!
But it doesn't emit 80% less CO2 than other fuels!
Also it's non renewable.
A goal some politicians have said they will achieve if elected!
PG, the combination of natural gas, renewables, nuclear power, higher efficiency and lower consumption is the only way to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Natural gas power generation is the only reasonable way to "firm" renewable power.
Yes, I hear you!
I'm just afraid that some who may get elected doesn't!

I'm not sold on CO2 as being anything other than a excuse for more government control either.
Don't know about all that but our future uses of N.gas will likely depend on who becomes our president and which party rules congress!
There's nothing better I would like than to have T-Boone's plan for NG to be used as a transportation fuel. I'm sitting on Haynesville Shale too!
Sadly I believe there will be those in leadership positions who will oppose it due to it emitting greenhouse gas. Also, Oil and Gas producers are already on those folk's hit list to fund all the socialism.

As for CO2, there are as many, in the know, that dispute it's a man made problem as there are who believe it is a man made problem (a problem that can be solved by man anyway). (that's a whole other peeing contest)
The argument will have an effect though on what happens with Natural Gas.
Yes! The cleanest of the hydrocarbon fuels anyway!
HBP, natural gas should be promoted by government climate change regulations as a larger part of our fossil fuel supply mix. The largest opportunity to enlarge market share is to displace coal for power generation. Coal plants account for almost 50% of the power in the US and generates twice the greenhouse gas emissions of natural gas power on a pound CO2 per MWh basis. Natural gas power plants are better suited to load follow which is required to support renewables such as wind & solar. This will be strongly opposed by the powerful coal lobby which continues to promote such pie in the sky ideas as clean coal (an oxymoron) and carbon sequestration.

Natural gas should also capture more of the heavy duty transportation segment (trucks, buses, trains, etc) displacing diesel but the bigger growth will come through the public's switch to plug-in hybrids which use natural gas indirectly.
Good question HBP,

One of the main things that I cant grab aholt of is why not run with it ?
Are they scared to reach out and grasp this idea ? This is directly tied to the economy in my opinion. Cutting our dependence on foreign oil will directly and indirectly help our economy.
We as a people must be honest with ourselves enough to know that oil played a big part in why we have taken the course of action we have in the Middle East. If not for fear of complete turmoil, we could step back and let Israel spank all the hind-end that need spankin' all by themselves. They have been fighting this same war for several millenia.

If Big O&G sign off on the N/G craze, you will see mainstream do the same.Until that happens , we will not see the maximum effects of what this could mean for us as a Nation as well as a World , free from the clutches of psycho royal families and sheiks alike.
The "Big Boys" control the world.As long as those Big Boys can still make vulgure profits at the expence of us all , they will.Why would they do anything that would tip the scale the other way ? Answer......They wont.

"Un-natural gas" is joined to the auto industry at the hip.I'm not fussing, thats just the way it is.The only reason we are seeing a lean toward N/G vehicles is because the way the Big Three have taken a shelling due to prices at the pump. Big oil didnt look out for big three this time.They simply continue to log record highs no matter the damage done to everyone else.

So until the monsters of the midway see it as a value to them, we will continue along at a snails pace compared to what it could be.The "BIG THREE" , soon to be "BIG ONE" can ill afford to turn their backs on Big O&G. Too much investment /under the table money for that to happen.As technologically advanced as we are , we still have horrendous mileage issues per gallon of fuel. We are actually worse off then we were 10 years ago (other then the hybrids).Not because we dont know how to fix it ! We have to consume that fuel to drive those record profits, or Mr. CEO aint happy.

We are gluts and that has us bent over the proverbial oil barrel. Until someone decides to take this on, we will continue at this pace until the price of "un-natural" gas just simply forces us to go another route.Its coming, just real slow in developing. Now that Saudi has peaked and the door for drilling for oil here is slammed, it will certainly spead up in a big way.
first of all, who are you to believe? these off the wall ads, that claim that there is no use for natural gas,please. this is nothing but con. do not give up your rights , and watch who you pal up with, remember a bird in the hand, and so on. they dont even know about this in california, or they would be all over this. i j
Carl, you may want to do a little research into California's planned Low Carbon Fuel Standard regulation that will require increased usage of alternative transportation fuels such as natural gas, electricity and biodiesel.


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