A.M.A. Chiles, C. Edwards et al,15, Sec. 36, T22N, R16W, Caddo Pine Island,1,100’ MD, Nacatoch.

A.M.A. Chiles, C. Edwards et al,16, Sec. 36, T22N, R16W, Caddo Pine Island,1,100’ MD, Nacatoch.

A.M.A. Chiles, C. Edwards et al,17, Sec. 36, T22N, R16W, Caddo Pine Island,1,100’ MD, Nacaoch.

A.M.A. Chiles, C. Edwards et al,18, Sec. 36, T22N, R16W, Caddo Pine Island,1,100’ MD, Nacatoch.

Camterra Resources Inc., hoss ra su97; B Debroek 33, 001, Sec. 33, T16N, R13W, Elm Grove, 6,919’ MD 6,800’ TVD, Hosston.

Vivian Oil Partners LLC, Courtney, 003, Sec. 36, T22N, R16W, Caddo Pine Island,1,200’ MD, Nacatoch.

Vivian Oil Partners LLC, Isaac Rawls, 009, Sec. 36, T22N, R16W, Caddo Pine Island,1,200’ MD, Nacatoch.


Chesapeake Operating LLC, ha rd suee; abg 30&37-14-11hc, 001-alt, Sec. 30, T14N, R11W, Red River-Bull Bayou,18,300’ MD12,900’ TVD, Haynesville RD.

Chesapeake Operating LLC, ha rd suee; sbg 30&31-14-11hc, 002-alt, Sec. 30, T14N, R11W, Red River-Bull Bayou,18,500’ MD12,900’ TVD, Haynesville RD.


WildHorse Resources LLC, lcv ra
sum; Dowling19-30hc, 002-alt, Sec. 19, T19N, R4W, Terryville, 4,644’ MD, LCV.

WildHorse Resources LLC, T.L. McCrary13-24-25h, 001, Sec.14, T19N, R4W, Terryville,18,600’ MD 10,937’ TVD, Hoss.


Chesapeake Operating LLC, ha ra suaa; waerstad12-14-12h, 002-alt, Sec.12, T14N, R12W, Thorn lake, 18,100’ MD12200’ TVD, Haynesville RA.



Bayou State Oil Corp., capi-nac-ff-1su; caldwell, 91: 247733. WHERE: Caddo Pine Island, S 29. T. 22N R.15W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 0 mcf gas on open/64 choke; 7 barrels 21 gravity condensate;10 barrels water. PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Nacatoch; perforations,1,042-1,043 feet, depth, 1,078 feet.

Bayou State Oil Corp., capi-nac-ff-1su; Caldwell, 92: 247734. WHERE: Caddo Pine Island, S 29. T. 22N R.15W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 0 mcf gas on open/64 choke; 8 barrels 21 gravity condensate;15 barrels water. PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Nacatoch; perforations,1,047-1,048 feet, depth, 1,080 feet.

COMPANY: HHH Oil Co., T Lea b, 003: 247858. WHERE: Caddo Pine Island, S 23. T. 22N R.15W. DAILY PRODUCTION: n/a mcf gas on n/a/64 choke; 2 barrels 21 gravity condensate; 80 barrels water.
PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: Nacatoch; perforations, 1,030-1,037 feet, depth,1,037 feet.

T&L Oil Production, Ginther, 46: 247598. WHERE: Caddo Pine Island, S 36. T. 22N R.
DAILY PRODUCTION: n/a mcf gas on n/a/64 choke; 2 barrels 21 gravity condensate; 50 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIF­ICS: Nacatoch; perforations, 1,048-1,054 feet, depth, 1,145 feet.


AIX Energy Inc., Jerry Smith1, n/a: 245006. WHERE: E Haynesville, S 3. T. 23N R. 7W.
0 mcf gas on 64/64 choke;1 barrels 56 gravity condensate; 0 barrels water.
PRESSURE: 200 lbs. SPECIFICS: Cotton Valley; perforations, 9,182-9,190 feet, depth, 10,705 feet.

COMPANY: AIX Energy Inc., la ra sur; LA Minerals, 3-alt: 248034. WHERE: Oaks, S 2. T. 22N R. 7W.
DAILY PRODUCTION: 2,161 mcf gas on18/64 choke;150 barrels 57 gravity condensate; 80 barrels water. PRESSURE: 1,600 lbs.SPECIFICS: Haynesville; perfora­tions, 10,164-10,210 feet, depth, 10,600 feet.

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