If like many of you claim, there is oil below the Haynesville, which is baloney in my opinion. Why are they moving rigs out of the Haynesville to south Texas, Colorado and other liquid/oil plays when they have the rigs, crews, infrastructure, leases, etc. right here right now? If there was even a hint that this ridiculous rumor was true I can promise you they would be going after and producing it with oil at an all time high. This one fact alone should blow the theory out of the water once and for all. Not only is it geologically improbable, it just doesn't make sense.

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I'M responding to the first thread of this topic concerning that the OGC already have the leases.Is this true,because if the oil is below the haynesville shale on my lease terminate 100 ft below production .So with this being the case would'nt they have to come back and release with more bonus money?Would someone with more knowledge than me respond to what i just said.
Yes, your depth clause will release all strata below the deepest depth produced once the primary term of your lease expires.  The problem with Any hydrocarbon deeper than the Haynesville will likely be thermal maturity (Ro) not limitations in technology or materials.


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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