Bossier Parish

Empresa Energy IV LLV, VUA; WYCHE 18-7H, 001, Sec. 18, T20N, R12W, Benton, 14500’ MD 9100’ TVD, Cotton Valley.

Claiborne Parish

Petro-Chem Operating Co Inc, GREEN ETAL 14-2, 1, Sec.14, T23N, R7W, Haynesville, 10350’ MD, Haynesville.

Natchitoches Parish

TMR Exploration Inc, PXY RA SUE; SEMP RUSS PLTNS 2, 001, Sec. 2, T10N, R10W, King Hill, 3900’ MD, Paluxy.


Caddo Parish

COMPANY: Caddo Parish Holdings LLC, C W Lane Co, 19: 249715. WHERE: Caddo Pine Island, S 19. T. 21N R. 14W. DAILY PRODUCTION: n/a mcf gas on n/a/64 choke; 0.25 barrels 21 gravity condensate; 60 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: NAC perforations, 890-920 feet, depth, 1100 feet.

COMPANY: Kirby Oil Co, J D Briggs Fee, 68: 249480. WHERE: Caddo Pine Island, S 30. T. 22N R. 15W. DAILY PRODUCTION: n/a mcf gas on n/a/64 choke; 9 barrels 21 gravity condensate; 45 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: Nacatoch perforations, 1076-1083 feet, depth, 1083 feet.

DeSoto Parish

COMPANY: EXCO Operating Co LP, HA RA SUCC; AKIN 4-9 HC, 001-Alt: 249519. WHERE: Holly, S 4. T. 13N R. 13W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 16248 mcf gas on 21/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 340 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA perforations, 12387-20053 feet (7,666'), depth, 20190 feet.

COMPANY: EXCO Operating Co LP, HA RA SUGG; WHITAKER 9-4 HC, 001-Alt: 249520. WHERE: Holly, S 9. T. 13N R. 13W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 16283 mcf gas on 22/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 316 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA perforations, 12593-20190 feet (7,597'), depth, 20360 feet.

COMPANY: EXCO Operating Co LP, HA RA SUGG; WHITAKER 9-4 HC, 002-Alt: 249521. WHERE: Holly, S 9. T. 13N R. 13W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 22244 mcf gas on 23/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 348 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/a lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA perforations, 12450-20046 feet (7,596'), depth, 20189 feet.

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Replies to This Discussion

Is that a Cotton Valley horizontal in the Benton Field? Interesting

Yes, it is.  Check out the existing production and well control in that vicinity.


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