My cousin was talking to the people that do seismic. He said that the graphs show that there is more natural gas from 12,000-15,000 ft. than you could imagine! He also said that there is a pool of oil at 25,000 ft., maybe as much as there is in Saudi Arabia! This man that he was talking to has been doing seismic for over 35 years. He said the best thing about Shelby County is that there are 4 payzones here which is James Lime gas, Pettit oil, Bossier sands, Haynesville shale, and maybe many more. This seismic man seems to think that recovering this oil from 25,000ft. would be a problem. I do believe this info to be true. If anyone can elaborate on this, please do so.

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kevin. You've just read the opinions of a couple of experienced landmen, a geologist and a reservoir engineer. Yes this is a bogus rumor. We get them on the site on a semi-regular basis.
The rumor is total BS. The seismic man needs to back away from the crack pipe.
If the triassic Eagle Mills formation is less than 13,000' deep at Joacion and is too hot for oil, then how is it possible that a formation twice as deep would be cooler?
I 've got a bridge in New York for sale.
I'll sale shares!
I have also heard the same rumors but there has never been a deep well that I know drilled in north La, or east Texas. The tuscaloosa in south louisiana around New Roads and Baton Rouge area is deep and requires drilling to 20000-23000ft. Be nice if something like this was in North La or East Texas.



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