It seems to me that the new methods of horizontal drilling and stimulating will open all the old fields such as bearcreek, carthage and others to redevelopment. some of these units were developed with one well per section

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Bill, formations that are thick "tight" gas sands utilize vertical wells with fracture stimulation rather than horizontal since it is a better technology fit. The Pinedale/Jonah Fields in Wyoming and the original Barnett Shale "core" area are examples. Thinner tight formations (sands and shales) such as the Barnett Shale Tier 1 area require horizontal wells with fracture stimulation to be economic. Finally, plays such as the Texas Austin Chalk are a good fit for multi-lateral wells with no fracture stimulation required.

There are some parts of the Cotton Valley Formation in NWLa & ETx that may be good fits for horizontal wells with fracture stimulation.
The well i was talking about in bienville is ser # 239185 cv ra sug davis bros 24 sec24-16n-5w. It came in at 14 mmcf on 22/64 choke at 4800#ftp
Bill, I'm unfamiliar with the Driscoll Field. Is a TVD (Total Vertical Depth) of 13,008' the Cotton Valley formation?
yes they already drilled a number of wells straight hole that are producing. They are now completing another horizontal in sec 19. ser #240325 McConathy Heirs
I would have expected TVDs in excess of 13,000' to be deeper than the CV/LCV. The McConathy Heirs has a lateral about half the normal HA well. Is that due to smaller drilling units (320 acre, maybe)? EOG has an impressive resume of horizontal completions and would be among my top choices to drill a horizontal well for me.
they applied to drill 4 horizontals in 19. they already drilled several straight ones in the section. i am quite sure it is cv sand that they are in there.
About thirty years ago a company proposed to do "mining" of the Annona chalk formation in the caddo pine island field.
They proposed to sink a sizeable shaft that would enable them to dig tunnels out in a radius pattern below the formation and have the oil "drip" downward into the tunnels and be collected. Sounds nuts, but this was in the Shreveport paper. This was well before horizontal drilling was in use.
I think you are correct in assuming the Carthage field could use horizontal drilling. I can't testify as to what the treatment is today but back in the 80's million pound frac jobs of vertical wells was standard completion procedure. The Cotton Valley there may not classify as tight in that location but its darn close.
You're welcome, Electro. It's not a matter of can they (technical), it's a matter of will they (economic). The difference in a vertical with single stage fracture stimulation and a horizontal with a multi-stage frac isn't 15%. It's more in the range of 250 to 500%. $1.5M vs. $7.5M. And what companies hold the rights to shallow conventional prospects? Small independents with rigs and crews incapable of horizontal completions. Horizontal drilling will always be a question of cost vs. return. And drilling in conventional formations has a risk factor for dry holes not present in the HS. The vast majority of small local independents will never drill a horizontal well.

I am fairly familiar with the Bienville Parish & Jackson Parish areas (NE Hodge and further north) that you speak of, my background being more confined to Hosston development, though. As you probably know, Crystal Oil Company drilled many tight CV wells in the early-to-mid 80's just prior to the "oil bust", and they themselves went bankrupt - mainly drilling vertical wells with heavy frac techniques. I know Anadarko held these assets up until just recently (may still own some acreage/wells), and cannot remember who purchased them - I would suspect that if the new owner has deep pockets, this area will get a look-see on horizontals (if NG prices improve).
Mattie, most of those wells were Haynesville Sand or Smackover rather than Cotton Valley.
It was the subject of my replies.



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