Open letter to the Big Boys...... What seems to be the problem ?

After seeing the telecast earlier this week and the last couple of entries from Eric on East 80's web site, it seems that we have yet another turnabout in "As the Shale Turns".

Apparently it is no longer beneficial for the O&G's to talk with groups. (As if it ever was)
Even tho it goes against the grain in regards to what some of the pros on this site have told us in the past. I know that you landmen dont have strategy sessions with the big boys, or else things like this wouldnt happen. Leaving someone else holding the bag, so to speak, in regards to the rules by which we are supposed to play.

I am a firm believer in, "Alls fair in Love and War".
If the O&G's need to backpeddle, well just go ahead and backpeddle all you need to. I dont feel it will have the effect that they were looking for but you gotta do whats best for you.

Now that public opinion is no longer a concern of the big boys,its going to be interesting to see what they can come up with next to try and gain the upper hand against this more knowledgeable group of folks that seem to be left. These groups of landowners that are just being unrealistic and greedy....... I am also a big fan of , "Fight fire with fire" as well." Turnabout is fair play", another classic.

While I am a little perplexed at the childish nature that seems to have taken center stage, I truely mean no disrespect to the guys/gals that have been on this site trying to help educate us. You dont make the decissions to change course like this and shouldnt be held accountable, even tho you are an extension/ representative of said company.

I guess my main questions are ....... What will this do to any notion of trust that is supposed to be present between leasee and lessor ? While they will still pick off some, many will not be fooled by this seemingly drastic measure. The ones left will be far to many to just drill on. What options will then be left ? Will they change their minds again and talk to the groups or just man up and drill ?

P.S. This isnt a trick. Just curious.No cannon fodder from me.......Unless somebody really pushes the buttons.(LOL) :-)

The "New Less Volatile Snake" thats just passing through.(wink,wink)

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If all you used is the $0.50/mcf for lease operating expenses, that does not include the cost to drill. That number is typical for the ongoing operation of the well after it is drilled. Plug $7MM in year 0 of your economic model. And don't forget the lease bonus. Typical well covers 80 acres so plug in either $250 or $25,000 per acre.

Floyd's comments that HK has gone to 7.5 BCF per well for EUR and the cost of $6-8MM per well gives you a F&D cost of a little under $1/mcf. Then you've got the 50 cent operating cost, then severance taxes and gas marketing deductions. Oh, and don't forget the 20% royalty rate and Uncle Obama's share. Today, its 35% but it will soon be 50%. And I don't doubt he'll push it up even higher, the lying cheating scoundrel. But $1/mcf F&D is still pretty good.
I wouldn't hang your hat on those per unit numbers (a few posts up) for now. Consider where they drilled first that produced those per unit numbers and where they are headed. Many of the future units will be the newly leased units at the higher rates - many of the first wells were on previously HBPd units.

Something to consider. $3-4/mcf gas is not good for the companies - bottom line.
The only enlightenment I will offer is that the song referenced was written by Randy Newman (I think) not Joe Cocker. The Joe Cocker version is great though.
Correct. One of Mickey Rourke's better roles, behind the Wrestler which is also still way behind the character "Bruiser" in "The Rainmaker".

The song was also in "Blaze" , if I remember correctly?

But anyway, Back to Shale......
Looks like a lot of leases will expire at the rate new wells are being drilled that would have held those acres right now.
Could the credit crunch be as responsible for the slowdown as low NG prices?
No credit, no leveraged dollars!
Seems kind of a waste to have leased all those acres and not drill, no matter what they paid for them.
Perhaps the OGs have stopped leasing because of the likelihood they won't be drilling them. Seems like they would want to have wells ready to go on line when prices return rather than try chasing prices with those rigs.
Just found and signed up to this site today. I am a lifelong oil and gas driller (35 yrs) , depend on these companies some of you good folks are constantly bad mouthing whining about. I also own land that has been leased to one company and another co. top leased. First off, nobody is forced to sign, if you sign a deal with out taking time to be informed and you got less than others then it is YOUR fault. No one held a gun to your head.

In our area land that leased for $250 / acre , 2 yrs later went for over $20k acre . Both deals were good at the time, as the shale technology had not been perfected and potential not known. Those who even held out at 20k per acre, are sad now.

Next item, most of these companies are fighting for survival now, due to lower prices and ($4 mcf) and about the same drilling cost. Not only that, there is a lot of anxiety over what kind of new regulations and restrictions the NObama bunch will put on them. It is tough right now for all the oil companies, but no one is whining like most of the other industries. Only thing we know is it will come back stronger than before as it always does after a downturn.

To all of you who made good money on lease bonus, good deal. To all of you who are waiting for it to turnaround and lease again at 5 figure rates, it will turn around, but nobody knows when, probably in 2010.

These companies break even point is $4.00 in the shale, with each well around 7-10m to complete.

If gas continues to go lower. There will be only enough drilling to keep leases intact.

That will lead to slower economic growth for the whole area, as 1 roughneck job equates to 20 jobs in the service company, not to mention the local economy.

The brainwashing of the population has been successful from the media on the evil oil and gas companies, these are companies in business to make money just like you and I and if they are successful we will be succesful, especially in the whole North LA areas.

Next time you bad mouth CHK / HK or the others, landmen etc, be careful what you wish for.

Larry T

There are some folks on this site for which the term "willful ignorance" was invented.

Prepare to get an earful.


Jay Murrell
Jay and Larry,
And there are some people on this site for which the term "self appointed expert, I know everything, blah, blah, blah" was invented. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I have yet to see anyone on here that knows all, despite what some people think of themselves. Well, I still consider Les to be the best on this site.

You left out Robert O. (BLESS HIS SOUL!).
Sorry bout that.
Good luck to you and yours Mr. Larry T and welcome to the site.

Watch that Mr. Murrell fellow. He isnt always this pleasant. (LOL) :-)
Thanks Snake :-)



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