Anyone know what the going rates are for a pad site and payments for pipeline and road ?

Looks like I'm about to get all three and not sure if what they are offering is fair or not.

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Thanks for the update. Please keep us posted.
Any new developments?
Nothing new to report -- last word that I heard from my lawyer was that the well on my property was put on the back burner. When I spoke to the land manager at SLS he told me that the pipeline co. didn't want to take the gas from Larcie #1 because of a high Co2 content. They had to put a high dollar unit on the location to get the Co2 out. I verified this with the PL Co. also.

I found out that the nearby location staked out was Petrohawk. The owner of the pasture said that he was trying to get them to move it because it was going to use up a lot of his land. Looked a couple weeks ago and all the location stakes are gone.

Also heard that SLS had bought up 8 miles of pipeline easements going towards Timpson to tie their wells into another pipeline. Doesn't seem too feasible to lay down that much pipe for just the Larcie #1 -- last I checked -- it was only making a million cf a day. I thing they will probably try to tie in the #1 and #2 to make it worthwhile.

But -- who knows -- the way companies are cutting back now -- it may never happen. Good news for me --
not so good for other folks.
I got $15,000 for a 300 X 400 pad, $1000 for a 2000' X 40' road, nothing for the trees and $2500 for some kind of line (not the pipeline). I got nothing for a frac pit (175X 175). They also let about three feet of sand wash into my spring area and also let .10 of an acre of embankment above the spring cave in. The spring is still running, but it will take forever for the sand to all wash down stream. The crystal clear water will never clear up. Now they are piling up trees that they cut for the frac pit to fill the embankments that washed away. I just don’t know what to do now. They paid nothing for these damages and don't plan on it. Should I get a lawyer, or would that just cost me more than it's worth?
I'd get the lawyer -- yesterday if not sooner. It'll cost you very little if anything to see what a good minerals rights attorney thinks. I think you are looking at a few DEQ and EPA violations

If you're looking at pines -- they should have paid you 30 yrs growth value.

What company are you dealing with?
They are causing more damages than they compensated you for -- and sounds like they are making the damages even worse as time goes on.

It'll take a lawyer to put a stop to it, get you the proper amount of damages, and make them clean up their sloppy environmental stance.

What area are you in?
I'm about 4 miles north of the San Augustine, Shelby County line on FM 711.
Have you talked to Wesley Hoyt in SA? He and McSwain are dealing with them. Their landman is new to this area and they are going to get a taste of Home Cookin'



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