Questar has decided to push the Haynesville Shale play further east with this first well permit in T15N-R8W.

Questar, Kennedy 6 #H1 Well, Serial #241453, S6-T15N-R8W

S6-T15N-R8W, HA RA SUKK Unit, Questar, Woodwardville Field, Bienville Parish

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My property lies in the SE corner of a section, which I think would be the type of location you have described. They have started on the pad, but no word yet on a pipeline. However, they did just finish a HUGE pipeline across the road from it which also has a well just completed. :-)
Missy, one of the hardest points to get across to the members, IMO, has been the value of surface locations and how to tell if you potentially own one. It takes only a few views of unit plats with wells to understand the basics of how the majority of HA horizontal wells are drilled. Thanks for providing the opportunity to bring it up again. Good Luck on your wells.
Skip, You are welcome.
I may need to clarify, I don't have any property in the section/well just completed. It is a neighboring section. So far, I am just in line for one (1) well.
That does bring me to another question. I have noticed that several people get two wells permitted at once, or within a week or so of each other. Is this just due to the geology? I'm really not feeling greedy, I just like to know as much as possible about the process. Thanks
Some operators are permitting and drilling alternate unit wells as they have drilled all, or most, of their initial wells. The big boys still have too many sections that need a well to hold the leases in force. A number of operators appear to be building "Gas Factory" concepts in an effort to fine tune their development designs. Some like EXCO appear to be positioning a number of units for full development. We will have to wait and see as I am unsure if the gathering system infrastructure can handle flush production from 7 to 8 wells drilled sequentially.
Missy, you shouldn't feel too bad as only 7% of the Haynesville Units have more than one permitted Haynesville Shale wells. Many of those had vertical wells initially so the 2nd well is to just add a horizontal well.

The addition of a second well is more a function of the operator than geology. Some operators have almost all their Haynesville Units already held by production so they are now adding additional wells. Other operators still need 2-3 years of drilling to get most of their units held by production. There are even large areas of the Haynesville/Bossier Shale play that do not yet even have Haynesville Units - especially in the southern portion of the play.
Les B,
I'm not feeling bad at all. I'm thankful. I am just curious as to why a few sections get more than one well permitted at basically the same time.
The following sections have at least two wells permitted at the same time. S19 15N9W, (4), S3015N9W (2), S1815N9W (2)
Thanks .
Missy, if you notice the common thread is Questar. The Haynesville Shale is one of their primary plays for growing production. Since most of their acreage is already held by production they can start drilling multiple wells from the same general location to increase efficiency. The two Section 30 wells are actually being drilled from Section 19 so all six wells are in a two section area.
Les, i have a question about those 2 section 30 wells being drilled on section 19 t15 r9w? would the land owners in sec 19 t15 r9w receive royalties ? since the oil/gas is being drilled from sec 19? how exactly does that work?
I am just curious..

Red rider
RR, only the mineral owners in Section 30 would share in the production from the following two wells because the laterals will be drilled, completed and produced from Section 30 only.

Questar, P Conly 30 #H1 Well, Serial #241293, S19(30)-T15N-R9W
Questar, P Conly 30 #H1A Well, Serial #241325, S19(30)-T15N-R9W

There are other wells planned for both Section 19 & Section 30 with only the Hintzman well having been drilled already. Note one well is being drilled fron Section 30 into Section 19.

Questar, Hintzman 19 #H1 Well, Serial #240079, S19-T15N-R9W
Questar, P Conly 19 #H1 Well, Serial #241315, S19-T15N-R9W
Questar, Lawson 19 #H1 Well, Serial #240594, S30(19)-T15N-R9W
Questar, Lawson 30 #H1 Well, Serial #240269, S30-T15N-R9W

Is this permit still supposed to include 15N 8W 10? Don't know what the status is but I have a mineral inter in 10 and have not seen one thing about this inclusion from 6? Could you help me out and explain if the pooling means some royalty amount for interests in Section 10 too?

Thank you much,
Lynn, the following unit and well includes only mineral interests in Section 6. You would receive royalties on a well drilled in Section 10 but there has not been a Haynesville Shale well permitted for that section. Typically mineral interests are pooled for a single section for Haynesville Units.

Questar, Kennedy 6 #H1 Well, Serial #241453, S6-T15N-R8W
S6-T15N-R8W, HA RA SUKK Unit, Questar, Woodwardville Field, Bienville Parish

Thank you for the response. Oh, I see now, I had received a letter from Questar talking about the pooling but didn't understand that it was only for section 6.

Section 10 is leased for another year I believe and a seismic survey was done but we never received any feedback on the survey. I was hopeful that 10 was included but I will just have to keep watching.

Thank you very much.



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