Request to DNR Office of Conservation - New SONRIS Report

I am seeking members support in lobbying for a new production report in SONRIS. A couple of months ago I called the DNR and suggested they develop a new monthly production report for the Haynesville Shale. I explained to them that it would be of interest to many parties to be able to track the monthly growth in Haynesville Shale production. I believe this could be created by developing the necessary software to simply aggregate the production from all the individual Haynesville (Shale) Units. This will probably only get the necessary priority by the DNR staff if they are contacted by several parties with a similar request. If anyone else feels this would be useful information, I would appreciate them contacting the DNR by telephone or e-mail. Thanks for any help.

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Les. The OOC gets little feedback. At least that is my take from contacting them on several occasions. I would be willing to support your request/idea. Please be more specific as to the production report you envision and provide us with the phone number, email address and appropriate staff member to address our request to. It will be of interest to see how the OOC responds to a reasonable request supported by a number of interested citizens/mineral owners. And I suspect you may get the support of a considerable number of GHS members. I volunteer.
Skip, currently there are two canned production reports available under SONRIS Lite

Statewide Monthly Production for a Year
Monthly Parish Production for a Period

I would envision similar reports for the Haynesville Shale production. One report would have monthly production for the entire Haynesville Shale for a selected year. ie You would select 2009 and get a table that gives you gas production for January, February, March, etc. A second report would be similar but allow me to select a specific parish. So I would select Caddo Parish for 2009 and get a table of monthly production volumes for the Haynesville Shale in Caddo Parish only. Texas has always had similar reports available for the Barnett Shale.

When I contacted the state previously I got passed around some and ended up with Dr K umar. Contact information is as follows:

Geological Oil and Gas Division
Madhurendu B K umar, Director
Phone No - 225.342.550

It may be better to contact the Shreveport District at the following:

Jim Broussard Shreveport - District Manager
Phone No - 318.676.7585

I hope that helps.

See Dr Madhurendu K umar's contact information at the following link:
Count me in, just let us know specically what to request.
Danny, thanks for the help. Please see my response to Skip above. Let me know if you need any more information. Essentially it is just having a report with monthly gas production volumes for the Haynesville Shale.
Braveheart, good suggestion.
count me in too! just let us know what to specifically request. details, its all about details!
Robert, thanks for helping out. Please see my response to Skip above for additional details. Mainly it is just requesting the state to add a report with the monthly gas production volumes for the Haynesville Shale. It would also be nice to have similar monthly Haynesville Shale production volume information for each parish.
C'mon folks!

Aren't you all going forward on the assumption that CHK is going to report production figures on an accurate and timely fashion?

Has CHK ever paid any penalties for NOT reporting? (all together, now, LOL!)
Don't forget KB, before you get penelized you get a nasty letter first telling you to report or be penelized. I bet CHK makes their reports after the warning letter, but before they have too cough up a penalty. This way you delay reporting, but keep your record clean.
I have been saying the same thing to DNR for years. The problem they say is it while it would be easy to start now, the backlog of existing field orders that would have to be updated in the database.

Just be glad you can search for the black book by field. We used to have to rely on printed books that were clumsy at best (and always a little out of date).
You could do it, I could do it......but DNR is lucky to keep their heads above water on a normal day.
Wouldn't the reports be created by the I.T. or I.S. Group?
Usually, who runs that area at the DNR?



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