No comments July 16, 2011 in CNG Vehicles (NGVs), Hybrid-electric EVs
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Since their introduction last year, Russia’s home-grown, natural-gas fuelled hybrid Yo Mobiles (built by Yo Auto) have been trying hard to capture the imagination of Russia’s car-buying public; and how have the Russian people responded, you ask? By putting down deposits on more than 100,000 Yo Mobiles – which means that each and every car Yo Auto plans to build (for the next ten years!) has already been sold.

We’ve covered the saga of Yo Auto’s $14,000 (US) CNG hybrids since the Yo Mobile were first announced last year, through to the introduction of the initial prototypes, and on to the cars’ on-road debut at the hands of ex-Soviet super-spy and all-around crazy bad-a** Vladimir Putin, so it’s especially gratifying to see an innovative project like these CNG-electric hybrids turn into a genuine commercial success.

Hopefully one of the big three will get it together and offer US-buyers something this innovative sooner, rather than later … or maybe Honda. It could be Honda.

Source: Gas 2.0 (

Russian CNG Hybrid is Sold-out … for the Next 10 Years
No comments July 16, 2011 in CNG Vehicles (NGVs), Hybrid-electric EVs
XHello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.

Since their introduction last year, Russia’s home-grown, natural-gas fuelled hybrid Yo Mobiles (built by Yo Auto) have been trying hard to capture the imagination of Russia’s car-buying public; and how have the Russian people responded, you ask? By putting down deposits on more than 100,000 Yo Mobiles – which means that each and every car Yo Auto plans to build (for the next ten years!) has already been sold.

We’ve covered the saga of Yo Auto’s $14,000 (US) CNG hybrids since the Yo Mobile were first announced last year, through to the introduction of the initial prototypes, and on to the cars’ on-road debut at the hands of ex-Soviet super-spy and all-around crazy bad-a** Vladimir Putin, so it’s especially gratifying to see an innovative project like these CNG-electric hybrids turn into a genuine commercial success.

Hopefully one of the big three will get it together and offer US-buyers something this innovative sooner, rather than later … or maybe Honda. It could be Honda.


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I wonder how well a $14,000 cng auto would sell in the US?

The would probably want $24,000 here for them after the EPA got though with them..



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