i have intrest in JJ 139 sur 5 mile west of the kardwell well whay sould i exspect in the coming months

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Are you talking about the JJ Hennis A-139? The last activity in that survey was a Fossil Resources vertical wildcat that is drilled but still hasn't been completed. XTO has a well permitted that will bottom in A-139. Several operators were active around that survey... Southwestern & Cabot. Sit tight. Someone will find you.
i have a lease with cabot oil and they wanted to lease some other property of mine and i would not give it to them because they are real cheap and they think you are dum because you come from east texas. what should i do. Yes it is in the JJ Hennis A 139 at county line in i have another 200 acers
Jerry Smith,
You really need to hire an attorney. The money used to hire an attorney will be a good investment towards obtaining a good lease. But not for a percentage of your bonus!! Negotiate a flat fee. You are in an excellent position and with 200 acres.... SUPER!!! I would not lease that acreage for less than $10,000-$15,000 an acre, but that is just my opinion. Cabot has the Katherine Von Goetz wells just south of you. The county line is prime area and now with the MONSTER Kendall well, you are a MOTHERLOAD person personified. Southwestern has some good James Lime wells in west SA county but they have been in the area so long they do not want to pay the value of the lease. Cabot will probably partner with Devon but you still want a substantial lease.
thank you for the information i am sure it is going to be good later i hope . i also have 640 acers in harrison county lease to samsom in a 15 i dont know what to do with it. There lease expires in 2010 what do you think i should do with it . It has never been drill on.
A lease is only worth what an operator will pay for it, there really is no such thing as a "going rate"
i read on oilvoice that bonus money could go as high as 30k to50 k in the area and i belive this is true to come
I wouldn't bank on it, maybe in a decade if gas hits 20 dollars MCF


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