I leased my mineral rights a few months ago to EnCana.  We had heard they were starting the well about a week later.  I am looking to see if anyone knew if a well was in progress and where I might be able to find updates on production and royalties myself in the future.  Area is Sec 20 T17N-R12W in South Bossier.


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I believe your well is being drilled from a pad in Section 17.  Follow the attached link and enter 17 for your section to see the well info.  If I am wrong someone will be along to correct me.  Good Luck!!  



  The well is presently being drilled in 17-17N-12W.  It is a cross unit lateral and will produce from 17-17N-12W and 20-17N-12W.

  There is an error on Sonris right now that shows that this well and an alternate unit well are both in production, but the Alternate has not been started.  Skip and Jay have both informed me that only one rig is at the location.

  I sure hope they don't start the alternate until gas price have improved.

Its been a few months and I know the rig was being set up.  From my current location I can't heck sonris to see the status so just wondering if anyone had a status update?

Two  wells  have been spud one on 10-10-13 and the other on 10-12-13. Encana may be waiting to  finish the wells in 2014.

Thank you very much for the info


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