Section 009-09N-12W now has one well drilled, two wells drilling, and eight more wells permitted.  WOW!!!!!  Drill baby drill!

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Thanks, grasshopper.  I had time later to go  back and review the plat.  There are three surface sites and each has wells that bear the name of the landowner where the pad is located.  When there is a preliminary completion report available, we'll know which are HA wells and which, if any, are BO wells.  The only way to track drilling progress in real time is through a weekly rig report.  I use RigData.  It's $50/month but you don't have to commit to a long term subscription and you can share the cost with others although you are not supposed to forward the report.  You can simply email the information regarding each rig drilling one or more of the wells you are interested in.
Thanks, Skip.

Skip, it looks like the Jimmy Brown 2, with a TVD of 12,700', is a HA well, and the Jimmy Brown 1, with a TVD of 12,100', is a BO well, if the figures shown on SONRIS are correct. 

I really like the production figures shown for the Jimmy Brown 2----15,966MCFD with a 13/64 Choke.  The Jimmy Brown 1 came in at 18,375 MCFD with a 23/64 Choke.

The distance shown between the first and last fracs on the JB1 is 2,983' (12 stages), and on the JB2 it's 4,352' (18 stages).  Looks like they're leaving a lot of gas in the ground on the JB1. don't it.  I'm happy that the other wells being drilled are programmed to have long laterals.

Just thought I'd pass this info (as I see it) along.


I believe you are correct, grasshopper.  You can also check the formation tops sometimes listed on the second page of a well's Preliminary Completion Report to get more detail than is available in the SONRIS Lite well files.  The formation depths listed on the J R Brown #1 are:

                                                             Mid Bossier - 12,068'

                                                             Base of Mid Bossier - 12,269'

                                                             Haynesville - 12,583'

                                                             Base of Haynesville - 12, 744'

Skip, why is section 33 9N 12w have no wells yet. My realatives have land in this area ?   Just curious all other sections in 9n 12w have wells ?

There is no HA unit order for Section 33.  There is a well listed as Status 10 that may be holding old leases in force.  The Northern Energy Management,  Waechter #1 (S/N 191682) may have actually lost its lease rights due to periods of non-production.  That depends on how the lease reads in regard to shut-in periods and payment. 

GH, EnCana had identified the Jimmy Brown H1 Well as a Mid-Bossier Shale producer when it was originally completed.
Hey Cuz, congratulations.  I was  hoping Encana would make sect. 9 a gas factory and develope both the Bossier and Haynesville Shales.  Now I hope Chk's well across the road in sect. 5 comes in good and they make sect. 5 a gas factory also....wouldn't that be Great.

Walt, guess we are related as well.  It's Uncle Grasshopper to me.  Glad to meet you.  It is amazing how I have found unknown relatives through this site.  Love it!  Good luck on your section 5.  I know you are now waiting on that mailbox money.  God is good!

Thanks Donna....indeed God is good, all the time and all the time God is good.


Your Uncle Grasshopper's mother and my mother were sisters and your Aunt Grasshopper's youngest sister and I were in the same graduation class in high school.


I am so happy that good things are happening in and around the Mitchell community and thoughout Sabine and DeSoto Parishes.  We are still looking for a good IP reading on our sect 5 well (242013) and mailbox money.



A little exclamation there from Sarah Palin.  I love it!  I second it.....Drill Baby, drill!!!!
Hi uncle G and Donna,   just a heads up, Ensighn rig 151 moved off the Jimmy Brown location and on to the Deanna Sistrunk locaton last week 



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