Hey all, I am in the process of desiging some t-shirts/mugs/etc to sell in the store (right now the only thing in there is the Haynesville movie). I thought I'd throw this by you guys and see how many clever ideas you can give me... I look forward to hearing your ideas and feedback.

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one size fits all . . .
How about

U nable to
M ake an
I ntelligent decision
Or am I just being a little grumpy today....?
LOL!!! Let me test the "grump - O - meter" here.

Are you going to call me a parasitic name if I tell you that my "cherry tamaters" of minerals under my house are unleased, even though I wanted it leased with the rest of the common areas?

no, sounds like you got left behind....
lol, Baron, the "Grump - O - Meter" registered an "8". I think if you'd have added a "ha, ha" you could have gotten it down to a 6, maybe a 5.

Yeah, left behind, but NOT out of options. I'm always looking for Plan B, C and D.

Could be one of the better ones, but for some reason I don't think it will be a big hit.
yea, I don't see a lot of t-shirt sales either
maybe at a O and G conference??? LOL
Here, BirdDawg, since you and Two Dogs played muse for me and since it's said our regs & SONRIS are some of the best ...

Haynesville Shale

We don't just drill,
We drill welll !!!!

Hey BD sesport says that me and you played moose for her. Sometimes I drink too much bourbon and can't remember very good, especially some of the dumb stuff that I do. BirdDawg, I didn't play the ass end of the moose did I?
LOL!!! Two Dogs, you know good & well this isn't Alaska!! Besides, if you had done that we would have gotten a picture and posted it.

"Haynesville Shale
Just squirrels, no moose
And plenty o' gas
We got da JUICE!"




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