I have been approached with an offer to buy mineral rights on a large tract of land in Columbia County, Sections 21 and 22... How can I find out if there is any activity in this area and if it is a good idea to sell...

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There is a new well in 23-15-20 according to information on the Arkansas Oil and Gas commission website. Drilling was to begin in December 2012. The well came in  2/5/2013.  It is called the Wepfer  1 and is an oil well.. Betsy Production is the operator.




Thank you, Polly... I found their address in Magnolia and a phone number so I plan to call them this week... I had found something (I guess it was an application?) showing them in Township 17S- Range 21W, Columbia County. It came up when I googled that area... I went to Arkansas Oil and Gas commission, but wasn't sure how to find anything...  Thank u so much... This is very helpful...

norma,  you should engage the services of an experienced O&G attorney.  They should help you solicit multiple offers and decide what to sell.  You can sell all or a portion.  A half interest, a quarter interest, etc.  That way you monetize some of your minerals now and keep the opportunity to receive future royalty income on the remainder.  If you sell a portion to a buyer experienced in managing minerals you basically get a partner in managing your remaining mineral interest going forward.  Your attorney or CPA can help you to understand the tax implications which can be important.  If you have owned your minerals longer than 2 years proceeds from a sale would be taxed as long term capital gains instead of regular income.

There is too much development activity in reasonable proximity to Columbia County at this time to get in any hurry.  That's why I suggested you read through the discussions in the two groups.  An experienced O&G attorney should know even more.  I don't think $300 per acre is a fair market value so don't worry if this offer goes away.  Your attorney can help you to determine a range of fair market value dependent on what terms you require in a purchase and sale agreement.  If you wish to sell be proactive instead of waiting for offers  to come your way. 

norma, an O&G attorney will know if there is any leasing activity in your area.  However you can also go to the courthouse and review recently recorded leases if there are any.  The Clerk's staff can explain how to do this.

Thanks... I think I will make a trip to the court house and see what I can find out... Thanks so much for your help...


I tried to answer this thread a couple of times and GHS would only post a part of it. 

First, There are some people out there that pray on the us elderly. Sad but true. With development in the area you should be able to get at least 300 an acre for a lease bonus + 20-25% royalty. A sale would be much higher. I would suspect that there is going to be year-end drilling in the area and this land man would rather offer to buy rather than offering a lease. Its probably some speculator that has insider info. 

With as much land that is at risk you need to find a Good? Oh, knowledgeable O&G attorney that is familiar with the drilling in the area and the values of a lease or a sale. You need to do this be it a lease or a buy of your minerals.  

Hope this helps. Good luck!!!!!!! 

Yes, you've been very helpful... Thanks so much...

I agree, do not sell your mineral rights, my parents hung on to them for years, came from my granddaddys land. We have 5 wells and have received money on these royalities for years. Also Atlanta Oil has leased from us to start drilling 2 more wells.All of this is at Macedonia. Always hang on to your mineral rights, even if you sell your property....always.


Thanks, Coon... Where is Atlanta Oil from? Wish they would move a little further north east of Macedonia... I spent a lot of my growing up days at Macedonia, so I know where you are talking about... My parents are buried at Harmony Methodist Cemetery at Macedonia...

Norma, Atlanta Oil Exploration has an office there in Magnolia. Who is your family? My maiden name is Nipper and parents have passed on. But I have the mineral rights on their property even tho we sold it.Also have mineral rights on property Dad bought back in the 40's. We went to Magnolia courthouse, looked up all records on the old property and we own the rights. Even if you sell property, always retain mineral rights, that could help you down the road. I am on FB, Sue Nipper Coon or email me:Iwana.Coon@yahoo.com

Sue, my maiden name is Stanford... Mother's maiden name is Dingler... Her sister was Lillian Jones, married to Earl... Their youngest son, Michael Jones lives where their old home place was in Macedonia...

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