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Logan. Sorry. I don't understand "above number"? Are you referring to a well's serial number?
No, in 14n 14w you have is that number derived?
Section 28 in Township 14 North - Range 14 West. There are usually 36 sections in a township. Each section is a mile square so a township is 6 miles square. You can download a township grid from the site or the internet. The numbering of sections in a township is serpentine. The top row runs right to left the second row left to right. And the pattern repeats. It is quite helpful to have a township grid to refer to when reading posts on the site.
Skip, doesn't "28" refer to the number of sections unitized in the Haynesville Shale formation in that township and range?
Yep. It sure does. I was just not understanding which number Logan was referring to. I thought it was a discussion response earlier in the thread as opposed to the township grid. My apologies Logan.
No worries...any info is good info as someone reading may learn from anything posted. :)
Hey Skip, 16N 8W did not make the chart this month? We got the letter for the three ha units. I am thinking it is because it is not at the approved stage as of now. Sure was looking for my pink square with a big 3 in the middle.
Landowner. As soon as your unit applications are included in the Public Hearing schedule, you'll get your pink square. It is rare that pre-conference notice letters are not followed by a posting to the commissioner's hearings in Baton Rouge. I'm looking forward to some wells in 16N-8W as I'm sure a number of members are also. Good Luck.
Ok Skip, I will be watching for my pink square. Yea!!!
Getting a pink square is worth celebrating but actually It signals the time to start doing homework, tracking development activity and honing your lease language. I think it is a significant advantage for the landman to report back from their first contact with you and say you are knowledgeable and have minimum requirements for executing a lease. Asking for the moon is a poor strategy unless your intent is to be a UMI. However, placing emphasis on lease language and terms before negotiating bonus is a good approach. The more you know, the less BS you will have to put up with from the landman. It's difficult to spin, or lie, to someone who has done their homework and knows what in the way of development activity is occurring in reasonably close proximity to their mineral tract. A 25% "no cost" royalty and vertical and horizontal Pugh clauses are a given. Beyond that it each tract and mineral owner is a separate and distinct situation.
Is this also on the department of conservation website?
Gin, I believe that units are depicted on the HA GIS map available on SONRIS. I compile mine from the commissioner's public hearing schedule.



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