Indigo is leasing for $325, 3yr, .25 royalty in Lecompte-Woodworth areas 

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Any ideas on what lease terms are around Boyce.  Heard Indigo was paying around $300 per acreage, 1/4 royalty for a 3 year lease.  Also heard that Marlin Exploration was in that area...

Rand, the last I heard was 325 for 3yrs with 2yr option for 150.  The mineral companies are moving a lot slower than usual, when they were in Avoyelles they were methodical and took more than two years to lease.  This tends to keep the bonus price down, keeps all of us more anxious to lease, and keeps neighbors from trying to form larger blocks for negotiating purposes.  From what I know they will ultimately lease most of the parish. 



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