Is it normal for well information to NOT be updated for over 30 days? I'm watching well # 240450 which is still waiting on "state potential" since 5/20....Skip.. Les..anyone?

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Yes. It's normal and two months is relatively common. Three months isn't rare. There are two delays involved. The first is the timely reporting of the operator and the second the lag associated with the Office of Conservation staff processing reports and entering the data on the databases. Have you heard that the state is facing a budget crisis? Have you heard that most state departments are short handed and have instituted significant budget cuts? Are you aware that all departments will likely take an additional 10% to 30% budget cut for the next fiscal year.? It's time for everyone to exercise some patience and have some reasonable expectations for the data on SONRIS.
Can anyone give me any more info than what is on Sonris for serial # 239547? Been waiting on pipeline since July of last year.
Section 27 has a fault.
What does it mean when a section has a fault? And could it be possible that they are planning to drill the horizontal after the pipeline is in place?
No operator wants to drill a lateral through a fault as it would make for a poor well. And, no, it is unlikely that Chesapeake would drill the vertical and then come back and drill the lateral later. I suspect that Chesapeake is trying to work a deal with SWEPI to dissolve and then reform units to deal with the fault. CHK holds the unit order for Section 22 which they could apply to combine with the north part of Section 27 thereby drilling laterals of acceptable length that stop short of the fault line. This would leave the southern half of 27 less than desirable unless it could be combined in the same manner with Section 34 which is under unit order to SWEPI. If a deal has not been reached by the time CHK's leases are reaching term in Section 27, I think they will complete the well as a vertical in order to hold their leases in force.
Skip Peel - I'm sorry, what parish are you referring to? Desoto, just wondering, thanks
Hey, Skip. Chesepeake just filed for a permit in 34-12-11 (serial #242242). Does it look to you like maybe they came to some sort of agreement with SWEPI like you had mentioned above?
Section 34 - 12N - 11W is a Chesapeake unit. As is Section 27. CHK has not applied to dissolve and reform the units as I suggested above. The well permit application has not as yet been posted to SONRIS Classic so I can't look at the plat.
i have been very patient, but have not heard anything from well #239994, DeSoto Parish, wonder why?
Been watching #240999 on Sonris. SPuded in March and has been "waiting on State potential" since 5-29. I noticed today that there is a new memo as of 8-23 "Running Tubing". Any idea what running tubing means?
EXCO is running "production tubing". Most operators initially produce through the casing which was set during the drilling of the well until the well cleans up. Then they go back in and set a plug in that casing connected to coiled tubing and produce through the tubing.
is it unusual not to have production potential at this point?



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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