just found out that sweppi cosigned a large amount of their acreage to chesapeke i think about 140000 thousand in southern part of play. Papers were filed in desoto parish courthouse last week . has anybody else heard anything on this topic.

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On July 20 SWEPI assigned 81 leases in DeSoto Parish to Chesapeake.
Can you post the S-T-R of these leases? (Not for all 81 of course, but the general location.) Were they all in a few sections? Or, if you have the document, can you upload it?
Henry. No. Sorry, it's 81 separate documents. The leases are in townships 10N-11, 12 & 13W, 12N-11, 12, 13 & 14W, 13N-12 & 13W and 14N-11 & 9W.
One last question... Can you estimate (roughly) the acreage in these 81 leases? Thanks so much.
Nope. The assignment document lists the lessors name, lease date and registry number. Each original lease must be examined for the number of acres. I'll try to find time to break out the acres in the near future. I'll be out of town Friday so I just don't have time to get it done this week.
You've spent more than enough time on this. Thanks so much for your help. I was just curious as to whether these 81 leases were:

a) fairly small tracts and SWEPI is just letting CHK mop up unleased land in sections where CHK already had most of the land, or
b) large holdings, and SWEPI is giving up/getting out of these areas
Henry. From past experience I would say the 81 will consist of both large and small tracts. Of course small tracts in rural areas might be considered 40 acres. CHK already has leasehold in this general area and they've had good initial results so they are consolidating leasehold in preparation for development. SWEPI could very well be assigning these leases and picking up others in a different area for the same purpose. We will need to see other transactions to get a clear picture.
Does this include S-2. T12. R13w?
No it does not.
14N-11 & 9W is in Red River Parish isn't it? EnCana territory.
Yep. Some of the leases assigned to CHK were by SWEPI and some by Encana. All that I have reviewed so far were taken by Coastal Land Services as lessee.
How would I search for these on SONRIS?
Would they be accessible on SONRIS yet?


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