I keep reading in all these discussions about "The Sweet Spot", does anyone REALLY and Truly know where the sweet spot is or is that a term that is meaning a general area? What is the Sweet Spot and what area is it? Does this mean all the Haynesville Shale play or is it a certain number of several S-T-R?

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One thing that may have a bearing on the sweet spots is the land ownership factor. Desoto, Red River, southern Caddo and southern Bossier parishes are large acerage tracts owned by few individuals which would allow for large tracts to be put together rather fast and be drilled without a lot of site prep. other than to beef up roads and little clearing to connect pipe lines, my opinion only, but everyone should believe that there is shale production potential under their feet until proven otherwise. There are old wells logged in norther Webster that give descriptions of the haynesville shale to a total depth of 1790 feet. This was in the Hunt Oil Co. Lee Walker No. 1 in Sec. 2, T. 23 N., R. 10 W. as noted in the Geology of Webster Parish bulletin No. 29, Nov. 1954. I think every well is exploratory in most respects and sweet spots with the price of gas will be in areas with established infrastructure to deliver. my 1/2 cents worth.
Something out of the ordinary, as I recall.
Nadal & Gusman and Matador would have a hard time saying it with a straight face!


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