I was leased with Samson, and now my royalty check is coming from Tellurian Operating, LLC. The letter said they acquired the well(s) from Rockcliff. Samson and then Rockcliff and now Tellurian. The Dec. 2017 royalty check was from Samson. I have not received anything from Rockcliff.

My question is this- who actually holds the lease on my property? Is there such a thing as buying a well(s) and not the "lease"? Thanks, MJC

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Tellerian owns your lease. My first tellerian check hit the bank Monday. It was for November production.

Leases are assignable.  The terms remain in force no matter how many times a lease may change hands.

I should clarify, my check came in the mail yesterday , the statement showed up in my oildex account on Monday.  I was paid 2.88 for November gas which is 0.10$ better than indigo for the same month and section next to my old Samson well.

I'm guessing your minerals are in Louisiana.  Our Texas minerals were once with Samson.  Rockcliff got the leases.  Last Samson check was in 2017.  Nothing from Rockcliff in 2018 yet.  have not received an assignment notice about any changes to Tellurian.  but that doesn't mean anything... yet.

Very sim. to JHH here, I own Tx (Gregg & Rusk cty) minerals formerly? w/ Samson (2017 Samson rev. paid) but received an email Thrs. from EnergyLink showing Rockcliff has issued a Feb. revenue pymnt. That said I’m unclear on an assignment letter etc. being issued as I only hit the PO once/twice a month as it’s 75 miles east of me in S’port.

LA minerals, Red River Parish. A letter from Tellurian stating a change in lease ownership came last week. I never received anything from Rockcliff. Thanks to ALL for your replies.  

MJC, got your Shale Forum message but don't see a recent post of yours.

Must have posted it in the wrong forum. I'll start a new topic here. Thanks
I posted it here. Isn't this the new Haynesville Shale forum?

I read the occasional email where Shale Forum aggregates discussions from all of Keith's websites but no, it is not the place to start a new discussion.  Go here, https://gohaynesvilleshale.com/

Here it is. I did not remove the posting the other forum.

They are proposing 4 new cross-unit wells in Red River Parish, LA. Drilling in north side of section 25-14-10 and ending in south side of section 36-14-10. They are into exporting LNG and plan to use their recently acquired assets in the Haynesville Shale to feed liquification plant(s). I just read a 2017 article that stated their estimated cost for producing gas in these areas would be under the Henry Hub price.

Article states “We expect our full-cycle cost of production and transport to markets will be approximately $2.25/MMBtu, which represents a significant savings to natural gas we will purchase at Henry Hub and other regional liquidity points,” Gentle said.


I know this has been asked already but....Will combining the two sections cut the royalties in half? In theory the longer wells should produce twice what the (1) single well in that section did/does. What price are the Haynesville Tellurian royalties based on? Henry Hub? Wellhead? Something else?

Thanks, MJC
I cannot edit my posts......


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