Sonris (under well info) has wells permitted and wells by SecTownRangeParish. What is difference between permitted and wells? Have been told they are doing location in our section, but can not locate on sonris.

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Just different ways to search for wells.

Sometimes a operator will begin construction on a location prior to the permit being approved.
Smith, there seems to be a growing delay between when well drilling permits are given and when the permit is posted on Sonris.
i guess that's to be expected with so many, thanks
Many locations (well pads) are built before there is a well permit application on file. You'll just have to regularly check SONRIS Lite for the new permits. I suggest you search utilizing Permitted Wells By Date each Friday evening for the previous week days.
thanks to all for replies
It can also be a long time after the pad is prepared and the permit is obtained before any drilling occurs. Then a long time to completion, another long time to production, and another long time till checks are paid.
Mac, yes. However, anyone may review the permit applications on SONRIS Classic and determine whether it is a six month or a twelve month permit to drill. Operators and the LOC agreed that the previous pace of development warranted the option for a twelve month permit (as opposed to the standard six month permit) a year or more ago. That option for an operator to apply for a twelve month permit not only recognized the backlog in rig availability but the ever changing priorities in HBP directed drilling priorities. The time required to produce a division order will soon be less, IMO, but that is simply a result of a slowing in development of the Play as it relates to existing lease obligations. A unit division order is, for the most part, a one time exercise. The economic realities of the Haynesville Shale Play have changed significantly since we all accepted Keith's invitation to become members of his GoHaynesvilleShale world two and a half years ago. Indeed, much has changed but the implications remain significant. And thus, the original colonists are still here and we welcome newbies on a daily basis.
Thanks, Skip. I'll point out that the operators do sometimes let permits expire. Sometimes they re-file for a permit on the same spot. Some permits die and never get drilled.

Let me also say that "permitted" is usually used in the sense of "The state has created a document called a 'permit' that says you can drill a well." When someone says there is no well "permitted" in that area doesn't mean that a well can't be drilled, just that no one has got the paperwork done yet.

A "well" means someone has stuck a drill bit into the ground and turned it at some time. A permitted well means there is paperwork, even though nothing at all may have happened at the well site yet.



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