Texas Mineral Owners, Notice of Commission Called Hearing

The Railroad Commission is holding a hearing on Jan. 30, 2012 to consider whether the Commission should adopt a formal rule to implement the provisions of the Mineral Interest Pooling Act (MIPA).

According to the attached letter, they will hear and consider informal comments regarding rules to implement the MIPA, in a conference setting, to get the opinions and advice of interested parties.  You can read the topics which may be under consideration.  

I have been advised that if mineral owners want to have a voice in this rule making process they will have to get organized and speak as a group.  The best course of action may be in joining TLMA and voicing your concerns through them.

If mineral owners don't get involved in this rule making process, the only "parties" at the table will be the regulators and operators.  Guess who loses in that situation?


Tags: MIPA, Texas Railroad Commission

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Looks like there is some interest, but folks don't care to comment....  I don't own minerals- anyone potentially affected want to comment

I was an organizer and fighter back in the day. Made some changes in my town that lasted for a little while, moved, the public 'moved on'. Special interest greater in money and access regrouped and charged ahead with a whitewashing that would take your breath away. So that situation is back to square one and this is after lots of newspaper and TV news coverage of the issue for years.

This is worthy of interest by all citizens for various reasons and maybe a little noise would help for a bit. The regulators and operators would be back in force before congrats for a good outcome could be celebrated.

This is just my opinion based on my experience but hey, maybe someone out there can do better. I certainly hope so.

This, out of a letter from the office of Commissioner David Porter, regarding the hearing:

"Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding the Railroad Commission’s review of our Mineral Interest Pooling Act (MIPA) rules. I agree that the rules should be transparent, consistent, and protect the rights of landowners and mineral rights owners.

We will be holding a public hearing at the Railroad Commission on January 30, 2012 in Room 1-111.  I encourage you to testify at the hearing, if your schedule allows, and/or submit written testimony to the Commission. Testimony may be mailed to:

Railroad Commission of Texas Office of General Counsel

Attn: James Doherty P.O. Drawer 12967 Austin, TX 78711-2967

I appreciate your suggestions and look forward to working with you as the Commission reviews this important matter."


David Porter

Texas Railroad Commissioner

Katie Carmichael

Executive Assistant/Scheduler

Railroad Commissioner David Porter

P. O. Box 12967

Austin, TX  78711-2967

512-463-7133 Direct line

512-463-7161 Fax



If a group forms and travels to Austin, I'm in.

This is an important issue and I'll participate in a background kind of way.

No show of mineral owners means no favorable action unless we can contact appropriate person(s) who would carry the message. Maybe some of the folks flush with mailbox checks will be interested in this topic, hire a bus for transportation or engage a lobbyist. Good way to spend a little chunk of change and help ensure good checks.

Here is the link to the Chapter 102 Pooling Provisions:




If you are a minerals owner OR a surface owner the provisions should be of interest to you. If you don't lease your interests I advise you to read the provisions. If you wish to observe "eminent" domain at work and the loss of property rights you ought to read it. The sophisticated land grab to take a bigger chunk of land at minimal bonus, rental, and RI provision is but a part of permutation.




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