You see it in some plays, i.e. Nobrara, but not across the board. Thoughts?

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Not enough quality frac crews to meet the prices the service companies are looking to get for their services. A lot of workers left the industry and didn't come back after the downturn.

Yep, frac crews have been in short supply for awhile now.  Additionally, development patterns have changed and that has impacted the number of DUCs.  It is now somewhat rare to see a crew brought in for a single Haynesville or Cotton Valley well in Louisiana.  Completions operations are now performed on multiple wells sequentially.  Zipper fracs and multi-well completion ops are the new normal. This also helps to control costs and boost return.  The only constraining factor is take away capacity.  It takes a lot of pipe to handle that much gas.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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