Does anybody know of any wells which are permitted or underway targeting the Woodbine Fm in Trinity County? I am aware of nearby activity, for example in Walker County (ZaZa, Halcon, Exxon, etc) chasing Eaglebine/Woodbine targets.  But I'd be interested to know if any wells are about to be, or are being, sunk in Trinity County.

Tags: austin, buda, chalk, eaglebine, east, exxon, halcon, smackover, texas, trinity, More…walker, woodbine, xto, zaza

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The Barrow Shaver well is one possible woodbine test, and XTO's work near Pennington may cross the county line.  Look to the Damacus field in Angelina County to as a possible example of where some woodbine might be found,

Thanks. I see that the XTO Pennington wells were drilled last year. Do you know what the results were?

Penny Lane- not drilled

Abby Road, problems drilling, no attempt to complete yet

Revolver, problems drilling, completed one well, hydrocarbons found, but no attempt to produce yet.

Thanks.  I have followed the "Hopeful in Pennington" thread ... seems as if activity around the wells not necessarily dead notwithstanding the leasing activity appearing to have been shut down. So I guess we just have to wait for regulatory filings to know for sure, which takes time.  I think that the old Humble Oil was active around this same area ... impossible for an outsider to know but still worth pondering whether XTO is using old internal data or whether it is doing everything fresh.



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