On Sonris on a specific well, it states the true vertical depth and measured depths, but I don't believe the well has been drilled yet.........Can anyone help me on this? Thank you.

02/02/2010 11186 16556

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Do you have a well serial number? Vertical depth is just that; the vertical leg only. Total depth includes the vertical leg, the horizontal lateral and the curve that transitions the two. On newly permitted wells, this may change a bit. Normally these are proposed numbers but based on all the engineering that goes into a well before a bit touches the ground, they will try to hold these depths to reach to targeted shale. I'm not an engineer, geologist, or a rig foreman, but I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express once. Take it for what it's worth.
The TVD and the MD are permit depths which identify the well as a horizontal. In the permit both are approximations that will be amended after the well is drilled.
thanks very much
Yeah, what he said.
why thanks, that really helps, appreciate everyone


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