Does an operator need to obtain a permit from the RRC to re-work an old gas well?

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YES -- if they plan to Re-Complete an Old well or Plug back to another formation in a  producing well--- if just stimulating a producing well same formation --NO

I did try looking up a "permit" on the TX RRC site, but could not find anything. 

The well has not produced anything since August 2009.  So, since it is not a "producing" well, I would assume it would qualify as plug back or re-completion?

Mel, what is the API #? There are other places to look besides permits that might shed some light on the well status. It could be on the schedule to be plugged, for instance.

Good question...I will look through my information and get back with you, probably on Monday...I am on my way out of town for the weekend!

API # 42-419-31037


That well has been shut-in 3 yrs. & 9 months and has an SWR 14(B)(2) extension (scheduled to be plugged) until 1/2014.

Lease Number: 219746

Thank you so much!

Mel--- unless the operator is paying you shut-in bonus or there are other producing well holding your lease then check language in your lease for it has most likely expired and open to lease-- sent letter to Lessee to request  a release of lease to be recorded for record.

Adubu- Thank you so much for your reply!  Most helpful!



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