Sorry if I am interupting by changing the subject - I am new to this but did want to ask if a person's land can be unitized and he not know about it - a friend said he had looked at a map that shows our 80 ac. (t-7-sec-19 r-11) - Sabine parish - has been unitized - we are not aware of it if so . . . PS I love this site - thanks Keith and all who participate - it is an education into uncharted territory for me.

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Janice. If there is a new unit in your section, it is not a Haynesville (HA) drilling unit unless the map your friend is looking at is a unit plat included in a pre-conference notice letter. IN that case there will be one soon. I find no well permit for your section. Am I correct in understanding that your minerals are in Section 19 of 7N - 11W? When you write it this way, we know which is township as they are N-S and which is range as they are E-W, In other words the N-S and E-W are more important than the t and r.
Skip, thank you so much - I appreciate your repsonse - I hope by reading these discussions I will begin to understand all that is happening and be prepared for one day . . . thanks again



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