Update on please help discussion. Another Shelby county post

Hi...I posted about the landman who came to Missouri to see us over the weekend, (unbeknowngst to us).

My husband just got thru meeting with him. He seems nice. Honest. And like he's shooting straight with us. (The last landman told me his boss told him to get the executor to sign the lease without me having a say in it! And other lowdown dirty tactics).

First off, he said this is not Haynesville. I asked my husband how far they are drilling, he said 18,000 ft. I thought that was Haynesville. My husband said, well it's not PROVEN Haynesville. This is a vertical well, not a horizontal.

Also he said the production costs are a lot higher then the Barnett Shale because in the Barnett, the gas there is a pure gas. This gas here has other gases in it that have to be removed. Like three other things he named off, making it more costly.

In the contract he said he's already got it approved for it to be cost free.
He's working on the bonus. My husband said the landman said, they were in fact signing people up and he showed him a 25, 000k bonus that was back in the past when the economy was good. Even went as hight as 30k. He said that was Cpk doing that and they just about put themselves and all the other companies out of buisness doing that.

He was also talking about another guy who was cut out of the deal. They were on the corner and they refused to talk to the landman and so they just cut their block out of it all together. Do you have to be on the corner for that to happen? This guy was on the edge of their " table". I feel for him.

Anyway, because of the extra expense in production costs, and the cost of gas being so low, they don't offer those bonuses here. Well, we've all known that. But just trying to get the most decent offer we can get.

They all learned from the Barnett Shale not to get involved in bidding wars. He said Devon doesn't have any competition where our minerals are anyway in Shelby county, Tx. They've got it all. He was showing my husband maps and charts.

My husband told the landman he saw some bonuses in Shelby county in Dec. for 5k an acre. The landman did verify that he signed people up for that back then. The area this is in is called Pay Day in Shelby County.

So...now we're just trying to decide what to do. Oh also, he said he believes in order for us to be a working interest, we have to put money in to it. That's not the side that he actually works so he doens't know for sure. That doesn't sound right to me. I've always read on here that you just get paid revenues after they pay off the well and royalties and production and transportation expeneses.

He just called my husband on the cell phone and said, he didn't want us to think that they were going to suspend us if we didn't sign. That that's not what they're going to do. (now I really think he's reading my posts!)

Anyone have any input here? Again, thanks for reading.

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Give us enough notice to get a shindig planned for ya!
Earl, Are you trying to tell us you're a Bonnie Raitt fan?

Earl, boonierat
Hey Cannie, even though you live up North and could be considered a Yankee by location, I would have to hear it in your voice and I haven't heard you say "by gOllie" as of yet. You sound like a southern boy to me.
No big shindig folks, don't wanna put y'all out, but I would love to meet some of the folks I've been talking to for months. Maybe even Mr. Ollie. Perhaps I can soak up some of that 50 years of experience. Bless his soul!
OK, a little shindig it will be. We are all wanting to meet our adopted brother from up North! We can even invite Ollie. Hopefully he can find his way to Shreveport, BLESS HIS SOUL!
From Robert Oliver's page:

I have been in the Oil and Gas industry for over fifty years as an oil company owner and operator and as a landman. I am also a geologist



I work down at the Pizza Pit
And I drive an old Hyundai
I still live with my mom and dad
I'm 5 foot 3 and overweight
I'm a scifi fanatic
A mild asthmatic
And I've never been to second base
But there's whole ‘nother me
That you need to see
Go checkout MySpace

'Cause online I'm out in Hollywood
I'm 6 foot 5 and I look damn good
I drive a Maserati
I'm a black-belt in karate
And I love a good glass of wine
It turns girls on that I’m mysterious
I tell them I don't want nothing serious
'Cause even on a slow day
I could have a three way
Chat with two women at one time
I’m so much cooler online
So much cooler online

When I get home I kiss my mom
And she fixes me a snack
And I head down to my basement bedroom
And fire up my mac
In real life the only time I’ve ever even been to L.A
Is when I got the chance with the marching band
To play tuba in the Rose Parade

Online I live in Malibu
I pose for Calvin Klein, I've been in GQ
I'm single and I'm rich
And I've got a set of six pack abs that would blow your mind
It turns girls on that I’m mysterious
I tell them I don't want nothing serious
'Cause even on a slow day
I could have a three way
Chat with two women at one time
I’m so much cooler online
Yeah, I'm cooler online

When you got my kind of stats
It’s hard to get a date
Let alone a real girlfriend
But I grow another foot and I lose a bunch of weight
Every time I login

I’m out in Hollywood
I’m 6 foot 5 and I look damn good
Even on a slow day
I could have a three way
Chat with two women at one time
I’m so much cooler online
Yeah, I’m cooler online
I’m so much cooler online
Yeah, I’m cooler online

Yeah, I’m cooler online

Yeah, I’ll see ya online
Now Robert, ole buddy, ole pal,
Your'e getting mighty close to being stuck on stupid!

You forgot to say BLESS HIS SOUL!
Robert, ole buddy, ole pal,
Your'e about to get stuck on stupid, BLESS YOUR SOUL.
Is that better? I wanted to call him a pea-brain but I didn't, BLESS HIS SOUL.
Whut, Robert, whut are youse sayin'?
I thought he was being a little negative! I guess ya'll know him a little better then I do. Bless His Soul, and I really mean that.


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