Two years after the debut of "Haynesville: A Nation's Hunt for an Energy Future," the documentary following the discovery of the Haynesville Shale and its effect on people's lives has been updated and expanded to include discussion of drilling issues and the impact shale plays could have in the nation's energy future.


"It's amazing that this film is now more popular than ever," Director Gregory Kallenberg said. "This is truly a testament to the fact that a small film with big ideas can make a huge impact."


The film has taken Kallenberg to every corner of the U.S. and across the world. On Tuesday, the new version will be featured at the Aspen Ideas Festival in a special screening event at 7 p.m. It's open to the public and will include an all-star pre-screening panel discussion as well as a post-screening Q&A with Kallenberg.


"The Aspen Ideas Festival is probably the highest honor the film has received. This festival is the place where the world's great minds meet to discuss our greatest issues," Kallenberg said. "I look at this as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to present our film and its message of a sustainable and affordable clean energy future to this amazing group of thinkers."


Past speakers at the Aspen Ideas Festival include Bill Gates, Alan Greenspan and environmentalist Bill McKibben. This year will include Bill Clinton, NPR's Michele Norris and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu.


"Energy and its sources are something we all take for granted. Energy is something we don't really think about because it's always there for us," Kallenberg said. "Hopefully, 'Haynesville' helps give some perspective on where our energy comes from, the impact it has on people's lives and, ultimately, the potential benefit this energy could potentially have for the United States."


"Haynesville" follows the announcement in spring 2008 of the massive Haynesville Shale natural gas field found in northwest Louisiana and its effect on local people's lives.


"I'm very proud of 'Haynesville' and all that this new version has already accomplished," Kallenberg said. "In a sense, this film is a love letter to northwest Louisiana and statement to the rest of the country that this area will lead the way to the clean energy future."

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Replies to This Discussion

Keith, does the GHS Gift Store have the "updated" version of Haynesville: The Movie for sale?
He had mentioned it to me, I later inquired but didn't hear back. It was bought out by NBC, so maybe that had something to do with it not being made available?


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