what purpose does this forum serve if someone asks a question and nobody answers?

Doesn't seem to be any real activity here, I guess I"ll just pick up the phone and start calling around MS to get simple answers to simple questions

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Mark, sometimes there is no member with the answer to a particular question.  It also helps to provide pertinent details when asking a question.  Although I get around in the MS O&G database infrequently I don't follow MS TMS activity closely.   I might be able to help if I didn't have to spend time looking for the operator, the county, the field name, the full well name or serial/permit number, etc. 

do I need to drive to Joe Jackson's land myself to SEE what is or is not taking place?

If you don't provide any additional information you just might have to.  I certainly can't help you as I have no idea where Joe Jackson's land is located or what may be going on there.



That exactly how a lot of this works - someone sees a need for information, goes to get it, and shares with the group.  Particularly if its a tight hole, or in a remote area, there may not be anyone with direct knowledge that can report. 


If you are willing to pay for the flight time, I think there is more than one memeber who would be willing to go make a couple of passes in a private plane.

Mark, the forum is extending into Mississippi but started as per its name in North Louisiana dealing with Haynesville Shale issues.  It has spread across Louisiana and has lots of different forums or topics in play.  But like all forums there is give and take.  Before intelligent answers can be provided basic information has to be present.  We are lucky in Louisiana with SONRIS data base provided by the Department of Natural Resources in our state.  So what does Miss have in that regard?  Help us to help you.

Why don't you do that and report back to us!

My experience here is that members are glad to share what information they have. Much of it is good general information. The more specific the question gets tho, as in the case of the Jackson well, the fewer folks have answers. I think most of us are in the same boat as you. I appreciate any information I can get. It is better to ask a question and maybe get an answer than not ask at all. I certainly get my money's worth here.

This is what I know. Encana is the operator and Goodrich has 25% WI and on yesterdays Enercom presentation GDP made no mention of the Joe Jackson well, but did say that Encana is holding an analyst day on June 21 and that they expect them to provide updates including 30/60/90 volume averages for wells and that these numbers will surprise the market with how good they are.

Make the title of your thread more informative. When I see "do you know" as the title I may not read it.  Make the title something that anyone with knowledge of the well may see it and post some info.

Wish I could help you. But I am planning on making the drive up to Amite county to see what I can about some of the new wells. Not sure where the Joe Jackson is but I may try to at least drive by.


First, I think having a MS group is important and maybe there is nothing to report at the time. Especially, since most of the drilling is tight hole and the info is going to be controlled for the companies benefit and not our's.

On the other hand, I also think that the creating of all of the different forums and threads is a problem. Some of the information is getting lost because of the diversity of the posting i.e. specific parishes, specific areas, specific wells, etc. I joined the Texas Eagleford forum because I wanted to see what was happening to the West. I joined this forum to answer this topic. I just think that we are missing good information that maybe important to the group as a whole because its posted to a limited audience in a specific forum. 

Good point but we have to start somewhere.  Sharing knowledge and information has its ups and downs but it is infinitely better than nothing.  So we do use specific topics, locales and the like to get were we are getting.  You come from an industry prespective while we are insular, interested in our area or turf so to speak.  Since the forum is open then we can expect all levels of participation.  Yours has been most informative from your depth of knowledge about the industry.  Ours is a curiosity more than anything else.  Having said, that thanks for your input and sharing of knowledge.


One point I guess I should have made clear. EOG is leasing on the West side of the TMS play for 700 - 800 an acre. On the East side of the play Devon is offering 150 - 200 an acre. I'm not sure the difference is understood because the info is being posted specific to certain areas and not to the play in general. My point is I'm afraid we are being taken advantage of by being too specific in our posting.


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