How long does a well that has been drilled to show results? I own land in greenwood and have been waiting for chesapeake to finish completion since early february. Does anyone know what I might expect from25% royalties on 70 acres. Any info on Tucker#1 section 32 17n 15w??

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BEUSA - Cowdin well in Sec. 27, T13N-R15W has been waiting on completion since Jan. 09.
I have been waiting since 08.
Don't you just love SWEPI? Do they have to start making shut-in payments after your primary term expires?
With my Fabulous lease they only have to pay $100 per year or something like is laughable.....if it wasn't really about a lot more money.
John, you may need to check if the surface facilities have been installed and a connection made to a gathering pipeline. That typically needs to occur before Chesapeake will fracture stimulate the well and place on production.
Chesapeake has wells everywhere waiting on frac and not pipeline. As opposed to XCO and HK, which have dedicated frac crews from service vendors, CHK just lets them sit. See sections 13, 15, 16 and 10 of 13N, 13W. Only topped by SWEPI, which lets them sit for YEARS! See S21, 13N, 12W for Calhoun 21.
With gas prices at $4 what's the hurry?
Figure on $300-$500 an acre per month for several months if it's an average HA well.
Our well was fracked (sp?) on 7/2/2009 and has been waiting on pipeline since 7/9/2009. We just found out that the final person was signing the pipeline agreement today. About how long does it usually take to lay the pipeline? Chesapeake is the company we are leased to for that particular well. I know it will be at least another three months before any royalties are received, but I am just curious as to approximately how quickly they can get the pipe in place and start production. We were told once that it could possibly be done within a month. Thanks!
I hope your right, but prices could easily go the other way...



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