I'm complete new to all this and learning a lot from the discussions. But as a novice, I have no idea what a good offer would be for acreage in T20, Webster Parish these days. Looks like I missed the big boom in previous years.

I've been propositionsd by a landman representing indigo Oil and don't want to get shafted. Can anyone advise me on how much I should ask for in light of the current oil/gas situation?

I have so much to learn, its making me crazy!

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What range are you in? There are many factors that determine lease amounts. First 25% royalty is a must. Second thing is what formation are they wanting? Are they trying to lease the HA? If not you need to protect this by leasing only as deep as the formation they intend to produce from. What have they offered so far? There is much information on this site, I would read as much as you can and educate yourself. There are many members who will offer advice some are experts in the field. Also keep us informed on your progress in the Webster Parish group. Good luck!


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